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Willow POV

I tend to have very slow mornings, unless I've had my dose of coffee. I love coffee a lot, it's where I mostly get my energy from. 

I slowly sit up on my bed surrounded by white sheets and a unicorn that An gave me for my birthday. I'm pretty sure the unicorn is from the movie despicable me.  I giggle at the thought of my 18th birthday, An surprising me with a reeses buttercups cake. 

An and I worked hard to become models, really. We were picked up by an agent when we were 16 and since then we've been living a rather carefree life. We still go to highschool, but right now were on spring break. Oh the bliss of knowing you have nothing to do. 

I made my way to the kitchen barefoot, the cold tile stinging my feet shuffled their way to the fridge. I opened the fridge expecting a plentiful supply of food, only to find nothing. I had a stick of butter, half a gallon of milk, peanut butter. By this point you could guess I like peanut butter a lot. My head dropped a bit and I frowned. 

Slamming the fridge door with a huff I ran back to my room. Off to the coffee shop I was again for breakfast!


Youngjae POV 

Mark had made it clear last night that he had done no grocery shopping whatsoever. I really had underestimated his statement. 

I woke up with coco licking me all over, and I chuckled in response to the how hyper he was. "Coco, coco!" I shouted in my normal voice, which was rather loud to other people. 

I rolled out of bed, slipping into my slippers, and yawned scratching my neck. It seemed that I was drowned in coco's saliva and I cringed a bit as I entered the restroom. 

I freshened up doing my daily skin routine. It was pretty hard being a kpop idol! I made my way to the fridge opening it and there was nothing. zero. cero. 공.  

Dramatically I feel to my knees yelling in agony. "COCO WE HAVE NO FOOD. NOOOOO" I yelled for no reason. I momentarily forgot I had another person living with me. 

Mark showed up his blonde hair ruffled, his eyes puffy from being woken up -- by me. "Youngjae, why do you have so early in the morning? I also told you we have no food." Mark said in a low voice.He pulled himself onto on of the barstools that stood in front of the island, in the kitchen. 

"Sorry Hyung, it's going take awhile for me to adjust living with someone." Youngjae said walking over to the island, resting his arms onto the island. 

"If you're hungry there's a nice coffee shop by called ' Jin's Coffee '. Im going to sleep in for another 2 hours or so, so go and eat there and while you're at it get me a vanilla bean latte." Mark said before leaving the kitchen, waving a hand in farewell. 

I quickly ran back to my room coco giddily running behind chasing me. I changed into a dark green sweater and light blue, ripped jeans. After I changed I ran to the door and slipped on some leather laced shoes. I grabbed my keys to house and checked to make sure I had my wallet. 

Finally I opened the door, then I turned around and locked it. About to make my way past Willow's door, I found Willow herself standing in front of her door, staring at me. 


Willow POV 

I got my keys out of my big ol' purse and opened the door, excited to get my stomach filled. I stepped out and turned around to close the door when I saw leather shoes out of the corner of my eye. I jerked my head up to find the guy who saw me half naked last night. Youngjae. 

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