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Willow POV

The sound of the doorbell roused me from my sleep and it continued to ring as I rubbed my eyes. "Coming!" I yelled, getting up from the comfy couch I had slept on and running to the door. Sliding to a stop in front of the door I unlocked it and threw it open to find Anais in a sweater and sweatpants wearing an apologetic look.

"Hey Will! I'm so sorry I am late. Ugh my car wouldn't start, then I had to jumpstart it by asking my hot Thai neighbor, and now I'm here. You would not believe how much I was blushing when he helped me start my car. He probably thought my spirit animal was a tomato." Anais said all in one go her words flying everywhere, making me all confused. All I caught was 'hot Thai neighbor' and 'tomato'.

"Uh -- just come in, you potato!" I said pulling her in before slamming the door. She giggled a bit before slumping onto one of my dining table chairs and picking up a one week old pear and taking a bite.

"I have lost like 20% of my body weight from sweating man. He was that hot." Anais continued her intriguing story.

"Mhm," Willow said listening as she sat down on a dining chair across from her best friend, resting her chin on her glistening arms focusing on the talkative brunette who's short hair kept bouncing as she spoke.

"But enough about me anything cool happen to you today?" An asked finishing her story right there.

Willow suddenly lifted her head up remembering the masked guy, her embarrassed self, how they both now wanted to hide from the world. Most likely.

"Earth to Will. I guess something did happen. Tell meee!" she half yelled making me jump a little. A hand went up to my neck unconsciously thinking if I should tell her my most embarrassing moment in my life ... besides trying to get HIM back.

"Well, before you came, way before you came the doorbell rang. I was in the shower, and thinking it was you I just wrapped myself in a towel and came out. When I opened the door however, I didn't see you, instead ..."


Youngjae POV

"...instead of you, a girl opened the door and -" I gulped cringing on what I was going to say next.

"Yeah, yeah come on what happened next," Mark said eagerly scooching in front of me with Coco in his lap.

"She was wearing nothing but a towel" I said feeling my cheeks flame up a little bit more.

Mark's face exploded with laughter, letting his head swing back and his body collapsed further on the couch.

"STOPPPP" I whined feeling embarrassed by how he was laughing at me. I began to playfully hit him, finding no way to make him stop laughing with thunder.

Finally, after a minute or so Mark sat up his chest heaving with up and down, as he took large breaths to regain his energy. I kept on pouting at him, my chestnut colored hair in my eyes.

"So wait, you basically saw her naked?" Mark said a smile creeping up his face making me hit him one more time on the chest with triumph.

"It was by accident!" I said throwing my hands up into the air. I got up and walked into the kitchen finding my favorite snack, homerun balls in the pantry. "The worst thing is she's our neighbor"

"Wait like - you mean right next door?" Mark said his eyes widening in surprise as he skipped over to a barstool and sat on it.

"Yes, next door. I'm going to see her again, and that moment will be really awkward" I said concluding in my mind that the girl would probably never talk to me ever again.

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