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Third person POV


The talkative duo made it to the coffee shop, walking in to order their breakfast.

"What are you going to order Willow?" Youngjae asked walking in line behind Willow, already scanning the menu for something to eat.

"Hm, I think I will just order an americano and a bagel with cream cheese." she concluded, turning her head to look back at him "what are you going to order?"

"A crossiant sandwich sounds good, with a caramel macchiato."

"Nice choice" she said, before walking forward to place their order.

Willow opened her mouth to order but someone spoke first.

"Can I have one bagel with cream cheese, an americano, one caramel macchiato, and one crossiant sandwich?" Youngjae said all in one go.

Willow just stared at him as he ordered smiling to herself. The cashier repeated the items before nodding telling them they could go sit down.

Youngjae looked over at Willow to find her staring at him. He smiled widely feeling confident all of a sudden in her gaze.

"Aish! Sorry!" Willow said quickly looking down and shaking her head, scolding herself mentally at staring at him.

"Haha it's okay. I don't charge money for people to look at me, so stare however much you want." he said his smile reaching his eyes.

Willow just nervously laughed as she followed him to sit at a table. In the end Youngjae found a table by the window. He pulled a hair out for Willow, you blushed in response sitting down.

She felt as if this was a date or something but it wasn't.

He sat down on the chair opposite from her, placing his small hands in his lap as he looked out the window.

"It's so nice out right?" Young Jae said as his eyes began to follow a little boy chasing a bird.

Willow tore her eyes off of him to look out the window. She noticed the boy as well and the corners of her mouth slightly went up.

"Yes, yes it is." Will said as she kept looking outside.

An awkward silence laid over them as they watched the world move on in front of them. Young Jae broke it.

"So, willow what do you like to do in your free time? Or what are your hobbies? "

The honey blonde girl thought for a moment tapping a perfect manicured nail against her lip.

"I love modeling of course, because I'm a model duh. Fashion, drawing, and eating. I'm a big foodie. How about you Youngjae?" She asked sniffling a bit.

"I love singing, music in general, dogs and gaming." He said, his eyes going a bit wide as he said gaming.

"That's nice! What's your favorite game?"

"Oo, that's hard. I don't think I could choose. Do you like gaming?"

"Yup. I mean I play candy crush once in awhile but I also own the Sims 4. I'm addicted to that game."


A waitress came to our table holding the food we ordered and she set it down on our table.

"Thank you!" youngjae and willow said in unision.

The duo quickly began eating , stopping between bites to speak to one another. They talked about their lifestyle, fame, and about puppies.

In the middle of their wonderful conversation about how cute a crossbred puppycat would look , Willie's phone rang.

She picked it up swiftly holding the phone up to her ear. Youngjae just watched with slightly raised eyebrows.

"Hello? Oh hi Dr.Sandra! How are you? ... Mhm ... Yeah I totally forgot. Sure I'll be right there. Bye!" Will hung up after a good 5 minutes.

Youngjae just sipped on his drink waiting for an explanation from Will on who it was.

Will looked over at him giving him one of her infamous eye smiles. "Hey youngjae I have to go somewhere, sorry for leaving like this." she said getting of her chair an picking up her purse and trash.

Youngjae stood up abruptly, surprised at how she was leaving so quickly, he knocked over his drink causing it to spill on the table. "Shit!" he cursed under his breath and Will just sighed grabbing napkins from a tray on the table in a hurry.

"Miane Willow..." he said gulping helping her clean the mess he made.

"Its fine, " she said not even glancing at him and throwing her trash away. She cane back to grab her half empty drink.

"Mianeyo youngjae but I really have to go now, bye! See you later --I guess. I mean were neighbors or whatever." she said stumbling over her words as youngjae just nodded along.

"But Willow who's going to be your ride..." youngjae said slowly as he realized she had come in his car.

Willow clicked her tounge before giving him a friendly smile. "Uh, can you drive me to this doctors office? I need to um get a checkup." she said brushing her hair out of her face.

"Sure! Anyways Mark needs his breakfast too. "

And that's when the good looking duo walked out together in the summer breeze walking over to the man's car in a hurry.


Youngjae's car screeched to a stop in front of the busy hospital swarming with people. It was early morning and patients usually made appointments at this time.

Youngjae glanced over at Willow noticing how the whole ride her hands were clammy in her lap and her face didn't show that usual glow she wore around. Before he could question her nervous state, Willow suddenly spoke.

"Thanks a lot Youngjae. I really appreciate it! Anyo! " Willow said this all in one breath unlocking her seat belt and unlocking the door when she felt a raindrop on her pant.

Youngjae leaned his head toward the dashboard scanning the sky and noticed how it had started raining all of a sudden.

Willow huffed and got out of the car her hands joining together over her head.

"Willow! Wait! I have an umbr --"

The courageous girl had already started sprinting across the road to the hospital, determination written over her face.

Youngjae couldn't help but laugh at how she looked like an ostrich while sprinting. He guessed she wasn't athletic.

As she hopped into the hospital not looking back even once, Youngjae laid both of his hands on the steering wheel. But before he started to drive he sat there staring at willow through the glass of the hospital , a smile on his face that wasn't a smile for everyone.

It was a smile for someone special.


I AM SO SORRY I have been on a hiatus and I'm just SO sorry for not telling you guys. Well I'm back now and hopefully I will be updating 'dating an ex-idol' and 'moorim school' but it really depends on the time I get. Thank you all for all the support and comments on all my stories I really appreciate and encourage you to do more <3
-- Iris

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