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"Holy shit," I say again, rubbing my face in my hands. "I still can't believe it, oh god--fuck, I'm an idiot."

"Why? It was only--"

"Olli loves me, okay?" I interrupt angrily, "I can't just go out and fuck his friends whenever I feel like and expect good things from him."

"I just want to know one thing," Sidney tells me in a gentle tone. I nod. "Did you enjoy it?" I gulp, hesitating a few seconds before nodding again. "A lot?"

"Yeah, except for the fact that I can barely walk," I grumble, proving my point by trying to stand and falling against the wall. I follow the trail of clothes, putting them on as I go. I hear footsteps behind me, seeing Sidney only wearing boxers that hug his hips...and everything else. I blush, turning away and finding my shirt near the door. 

"Do we have to tell anyone?" I turn around, a sassy comment prepped and ready to fire.

"No, I just went home with Olli's best friend and he has no idea, why would I need to tell him where I am so he doesn't freak the fuck out?" I spit, "Yes! Yes, I have to tell him, he doesn't deserve to not know about this. He should know what happens when he can't find the girl he loves--he tells me he loves me every day." Sidney bows his head, sighing in understanding. 

"I'm sorry," he murmurs. "I shouldn't have started dancing with you, I was originally just gonna pull that guy off you cause I was jealous, but then I-I couldn't help myself. One thing led to another, and now...this happened. I really am sorry for any trouble this causes; I was being a jealous horny idiot." This time it's my turn to sigh.

"I wanted you just as much as you wanted me--and besides, it was my first time drunk." Speaking of that, my headache came back in stronger waves of pain. "It feels like my head is getting stabbed!" I cry, clutching it. "Do you deal with this every time you get super drunk?" Sidney tells me with a half-smirk,

"That would be your first hangover, Rosa. Enjoy it while you--"

"Fuck, no, my head is gonna explode, don't tell me to enjoy anything!"

"Alright, here's the medicine." Two pain-relievers and a glass of water will do the trick. At least, that's what he tells me.


"Olli?" I call, opening the door to our apartment. 

"Rosa!" I'm attacked with a hug, Olli flinging himself at me. "Sidney said he brought you home, but when I got home you were not here, so I thought he took you to his, but I called and he did not answer, and--" He nuzzles his face in my shoulder despite being half a foot taller than me. 

"I should've told you where I was going," I admit quietly, ruffling his fluffy blonde hair. "And yes I stayed over at Sid's place last night." 

"Is that where you got those?" He asks, his tone a little less friendly as he runs a finger down my shoulder. I look down, moving my shirt aside to see a purple mark, and by the look of Olli that isn't the only one. I try to explain, but he shakes his head and steps away. "I see how you look at him," he sighs, "And I know you don't love me anymore. Please don't try to make me happy if you aren't happy."

"Why wouldn't you want to be happy though?" I ask, taking a step. He, in turn, steps back, refusing to look at me. "Isn't that what everyone wants?" 

I Forgot // Olli MäättäWhere stories live. Discover now