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"This is his third surgery in less than a year," I vent to Kris, sitting across the table from him at a Japanese/Chinese restaurant. "He can't handle the stress--hell, he threw up when they told him the tumor was cancer."

"It just takes some time to get used to, and he was overwhelmed," he answer, taking a bite of rice. "He was probably thinking about his shoulder, based on what you've told me, and this was just too much. Like I said, he most likely needs time. Good thing the surgery is in less than two weeks and not two days." I sigh, sipping of my water. 

"It simply isn't fair that he's such a sweetheart and so talented, and he's had the worst luck of any player I've ever heard of."

"He seriously just recovered from the mumps when they told him," Kris adds, "The day before too! He was sick through Christmas." I stare at him blankly. 

"I live with him, I am well aware, and he complained about not being able to kiss me." My face goes red as soon as I blurt it out, and he chuckles. 

"I'd be upset too if I were him." My face turns even redder, and I put a big piece of chicken in my mouth so I don't have to answer. "Anyway, you know he'll be off the hockey grid until the summer--when it's not even happening--right?" I nod, swallowing. 

"I was there when he was told. Six months, at least." He rubs his forehead, and I notice how tired he seems. 

"The poor kid," he mumbles to himself, ruffling his dark hair. "I really am sorry for you two."


"What am I supposed to do?" Olli mumbles, looking over at me as I come back and lay beside him. I stare at his half-asleep form. "They won't let me do anything--even eat! I can't eat the last 48 hours before surgery..." I pout at him and lean in for a kiss. 

"They haven't denied you kisses like when you had the mumps," I tease gently. He smirks against my lips, pulling me closer with one arm. 

"Mmm...that's good..." He whispers, his hand on my back as my body is pressed up against his. "You're so good to me."

"You're such a perfect person to be good to."

"I love you." He moves to his back, and as he motions for me to straddle him I do so. I press my lips to his again, savoring the flavor until there's a loud series of beeps from the kitchen. 

"I love you too, but the food is done," I say quickly, hopping off him and making my way to the eggs and toast. "Come eat!"

"Uff nuff hafuff!" I hear him call, and I roll my eyes in amusement. 

"Huh?" He looks up at me as I stand at the door of the bedroom. No wonder I couldn't understand him. His face was shoved in a pillow. Olli sticks out his good arm, mumbling, 

"I need help."

"Indeed you do." Once in the kitchen, I get apple juice, scrambled eggs, toast with a jar of jelly, and salt and pepper and put them on the table.

"It looks amazing," Olli smiles, his right arm in a sling to keep his shoulder supported. "Although not as good as you." He winks, to my pleasure. I feel my face get hot as I sit beside him at the small kitchen table. No wonder we don't invite all the guys over for a dinner one night...

I Forgot // Olli MäättäWhere stories live. Discover now