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"Olli, are you busy right now?" I ask breathlessly over the phone, my smile reaching from one ear to the other. "Cause if you're not, I need you to come to the lab--like, right now."

"Um...okay," he answers a bit hesitantly. "Is something wrong?"

"Wrong? No no, everything's right, just hurry your ass up!" 

"Alright, alright, I'm coming!" I set down the phone, hugging Madge tightly once more. 

"I can't believe that all we were missing was that extra molecule of hydrobromic acid," she grins, and I nod. 

"I know right? All that work led to this..."

"Doctor Saunders, I've been informed of your success," someone says from the doorway, and I look up to see a group of doctors and nurses. "We'd like to congratulate you on your performance."

"Oh!" I exclaim, scratching the back of my neck awkwardly. "Uh, thank you, but I'm, ah, not exactly a doctor." 

"You certainly behave like one, with your persistence, patience--" I laugh to myself at the second one, "and drive to solve this mystery. Do you realize the repercussions of your actions will spread throughout the world? You've figured it out, Rosa, you've cured it." 

I'm still in shock about the whole thing, my eyes at the floor as I take in their praises. I actually did it. I cured amnesia. As crazy as it sounds, a certain mix of elements can help bring back memories once thought to be lost forever. And it works. 

The sound of footsteps gets louder, and Olli parts the crowd of doctors to see me, teary-eyed in front of my patient. My cured patient. 

"What happened?" He asks breathlessly, but I just fling myself into his arms. 

"I did it," I whisper in his ear. "I cured her. She was asleep for 3 days, but she's cured. She remembers everything." He presses a kiss to my cheek, his arms tight around my waist as the room erupts into applause once more. 

"I knew you would do it, I knew you could." I nod, and I'm soon in the middle of a giant group hug. I break away from it, moving back to Madge's side as she lays on the hospital bed. 

"Thank you, for helping me" she says, but I interject, 

"Thank you for being willing to stick with it, to try new things, to experiment; you've helped me come up with this. Thank you for your strength that allowed you to never give up, I appreciate it." I envelop her in a hug, and there are whistles. 

"You saved me though," Madge tells me through watery brown eyes. "You wanted to do it, you had the idea, it was nearly all you. Take the credit, you deserve it. I was just along for the ride." I'm beyond words at this point. 

"Since when did you become so good at dealing with chemical reactions?" One doctor asks, and I laugh awkwardly. 

"A college class, and 10th grade chemistry."


"I need you to stay calm," I tell Olli seriously, gripping his hand. He stares worriedly down into my eyes. 

"How I can be calm when you-you are sleep three days?" He chokes out, his eyes beginning to water. 

"No no no, don't you start crying for me, big man," I warn, "You're supposed to be the strong one here. I know you're the strong one here...so act like it." He nods, swiping his eyes with his shirtsleeve. 

"Okay. I am strong for you." 

"I might come out of this a little different, since I'll be regaining memories from three whole years. Just...just a warning." Olli shakes his head, leaning down for a long, sweet kiss. 

"You will always be my little perhonen, Rosa. Nothing will change that." 

I Forgot // Olli MäättäWhere stories live. Discover now