Chapter Four↬↬↬ Training and Lost?

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Japphire Pov~

I decided to go back to Jadia and train for the up coming Grand Magic Games.

I teleported myself to my room in Jadia and prepare for my training. I decided to train with Sagami and Hoki first( yes, black bird. If u guys read the Manga).

My back grew angel wings and with one flap, I already ascended to the skies.

Uwah...kimochi~I really miss the feeling of being one with the sky. I did a few tricks in the skies like backflips and fly to the top of mountain of where the Great Eight Tengus and the tengu villager will be.

I fly over the manor and descended infront of a wooden slide door.

*Knock knock* No answer. Maybe they are having a meeting? Where can nii-San even go? I sensed something or someone circling around me. I took out "Rose-camilia" and made it change into a mini dagger. *Whoosh* It attacked me and I did a backflip and kick it in the chest. A few other figures does the same and I used the dagger to create a gush on their arms or stomach. When I got a closer look, I noticed it was the Great Eight Tengus.

"Oh my god, Oh my god, what do think your doing?! If we aren't in the Tengus area, I would have killed you!!!" I exclaimed and went to heal them.

" as...ever..." Zenki said. "Zenki, don't talk..." I said and cured him.

"Oh yah... Arcadia-Sama wants to see you in the training court." Hoki said and smiled. does he know about this...? Must be Zeref-nii and Achnologia-nii...they might join Jiemma's guild but which one? I did not ask what is his guild name. Never mind, all I have to do is defeat the Sabers and we will be victorious.

I thought and thanked them.

Time skip~

Yosh,I trained with the Tengus, dragons, angels, celestial spirits, Celestial king, gods in a day. Well thanks to the help of the time magic I know. I made it 5 years long but in reality, it is just 1 day.

Natsu Pov~

We decided to train at the beach but ended up in the celestial world instead. They invited us there as a celebration of coming back from the Tenrou incident.

We partied instead of training. While eating on a drumstick, I caught a scent of Jade. I pushed the thought aside but when I wanted to continue eating my drumstick, I saw it missing from my plate!

Nobody gets away eating my food!!!

"Oi,Ice Prick! Give me back my property!" I yelled at Ice shavings as my fists lit up with flames.

"So? What if I took your last one? There are still more for you to eat, flame brain!"

"What did you say, Ice fart?!"

"Fire breath!"

"Squinty eyes..."

"Droopy eyes..."

"Enough!!!" Erza shouted and slammed our heads together and we limped down.

"A-Aye..." We partied the entire day but was soon a nightmare when the Celestial king said that 1 day in the celestial world is equivalent to 3 months on our world. Yep, we spent 3 months on partying instead of training and we just got ourselves screwed.

Time skip after the got their second origin~(Still Natsu Pov)

"That hurts alot!" whined Ice princess. I have to agree with him on that. Unleashing your second origin is the most painful thing I've ever experience. It's like hell. But fortunately for Erza, she doesn't seem to be affected by the second origin.

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