Chapter Thirty↬↬↬

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Vleinsuke Pov~

I went and saw her sleeping facing the left side of the bed. She was curled up and the bed was in a mess and everything was out of place.

The pillows where not on the bed but strewn all over the floor, the blanket was half dropping on the floor half covering her stomach and thighs. The bed sheet was already crumpled and wrinkled. There were some evident holes in the blanket and the bed sheet and could be telled that it was caused by fingernails.

Think she had it rough. The medicine really did a couple on her.

I walked closer to her a sat at the corner of the bed looking at her. Gomen. I'm not into this idea but I have to do it. I took a deep breath and took out a box from my pocket and opened it. Inside it contained 5 syringes that have a dull green coloured liquid in them.

I crawled nearer to her and gently flip her around showing me her back. I lifted up her clothes and inject two times each shoulder blade. The last one was injected somewhere near her left shoulder, near her heart.

I stood up and took two pillows. One to support her head another to let her hug if the medicine started to take effect. I draped the blanket over her and decided to stay by her side until it gone better.

I'm really not into this idea. Nor is the third brother. It's only Orochi and Satoshi who suggested the idea. Something went wrong. I just knew it. I know that Orochi is not the person you or I knew years back then.

Plus, you were forced to be with him. It just have to happen I think.

She flipped over suddenly resulting to brake my train of thoughts. She was crying silently. No sound came out of her lips. Just tears streaming down her closed eyes. Her grip on the pillow was harder and her breathing rate was faster and shallower.

"Mhn... Hah... " She whine and whimpered. More tears were streaming down her eyes and rolled down her cheeks to the pillow case, staining it. "Ngh... Oro...chi..." She said and somehow grabbed my long sleeve into her left hand.

I patted her head gently and she seemed to calm down a little. I wiped away her tears and was about to kiss her forehead when...

"Why are you doing here? No more like what are you doing to her. "

"Exactly what it looks like Orochi. I'm comforting her unlike you, who just force to her to consume drugs and chucked her aside and do nothing about it." I growled at him but he does not seem affected by it.

"Looking at you two like that, you look like a dog wagging your tail, waiting for your dead master, no, mistress to awaken. Pathetic huh?" Orochi mocked and I growled silently under my breath.

But something in me snapped and resulted me to shot up and stand right infront of him.

"Jade's not dead you as#ho#e!!! I can't believe it! Only a person a person as crazy as you would force drugs to a girl! Your fiancee in fact!" I barked at him and he just smirk at me.

"So? You can't do anything right? She's my fiancee, so that means whatever I do to her would be none of your concern at all, deshou?" Orochi spat back and we felt a small wave of movement behind us and saw Jade stirring in her sleep.

Her eyes opened slowly and she was adjusting her gaze to her surroundings.

Japphire Pov~

I don't know what happened when I slept but I felt my shoulder blades and somewhere at the upper part of my shoulder being weak and pain.

I couldn't get up so I decided to lie down a little longer. But I felt that someone was in the room so with great difficulty, I tilted my head upwards to see Vleinsuke and Orochi being in the middle of a heated argument.

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