Chapter Twenty-Three↬↬↬Bonding

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Japphire Pov~

"Jade," Yuki said to get my attention. "Takuma invited the Disciplinary Committee to come to his birthday celebration tonight. Are you going to attend?"

"Okay! What time does it start?" I asked and pack up.

"The Night Class doesn't have lessons today. So maybe 7:30 pm? We will be meeting up at the entrance of the Sun dorms and walk together." Yuki answered and I nodded my head.

"Hope Zero doesn't offend or kill any vampires there." I groaned and Yuki giggled.

"Well, hope so." She smiled and we went our seperated ways.

Japphire Pov~

What does Takuma even likes? Maybe Manga? I thought and rolled on my bed.

I recalled that Takuma was talking about a Manga don't know what Black guy...butler...yah Black butler. Maybe I should send him a copy of the latest one then.

I snapped my hands and the Manga popped out. I grab a black classic cloth and wrap the gift, and tied a white satin ribbon to give it a last touch.

"There, all settled!" I stretched and took a glance at the clock.

7:20?! I frantically dusted off the dust of my uniform and tied my hair into a messy bun and grab the gift and dash off.

Too lazy to climb the stairs! I thought and slide down the railing of the stairs.

Good thing that Kaien made sure the school compound is clean.

"Jade! I thought you wouldn't make it!" Yuki shouted and scratched my nape.

"I spend alot of time thinking about a present so...yah... Sorry to make you wait." I apologized and Zero threw me a dirty glare.

"Let's go!" The over enthusiastic Yuki said and skipped all the way there.

"Hey Zero, wanna race there?" I looked up to him and smirked.

"Sure. If you lose, tell me who you are."

"If I win?"

"I won't kill you."

"Deal. In 3, 2, 1- Hey Zero, that's cheating!" I shouted as Zero made a dash before I counted 1.

Good thing I have my clover necklace...

I jumped from tree to tree and caught up with Zero in no time. "Ja ne, Zero-chan!" I mocked and jumped down, speeding of in a full run to the Moon dorms.


I chuckled at his comment and paid no attention. Before the run, I already kept the gift in the celestial world, so I wouldn't crumple it.

I found a area with a lot of vampires there so I assumed that that is the party.

Someone made me trip but I did and back flip and used my hand to support me from landing before sliding my feet on the ground.

In a distance, I saw Zero running and when he reached, he was panting like crazy and I was just standing there breathing normally.

"Your stamina is low." I said and noticed that the vampires was eyeing at us with venom.

"Curse you......*pant pant* you......damn youkai." Zero said and I pretended I didn't here anything.

"Jade! Zero! Why did you leave me behind?" Yuki asked as she jogged here.

"Hehe, gomen gomen."I laughed.

"Thank you for coming to my party!" Takuma said.

"Takuma, happy birthday!" I said and 'took' out the present and gave it to him.

"Arigato! Demo, you don't have to go that far..." Takuma said.

"It's okay. I bet you will like it."

He hesitantly opened the gift and his eyes went in shock.

He suddenly hugged me and twirled me around. "Your the best, Jade-chan~!" He said and rubbed his cheeks against mine.

"You're..." I said and he put me down on the floor.

"I really appreciate it. Please enjoy yourselves tonight." He smiled.

"Yuki, come and sit with me. Zero, you can come to." Kaname said and Yuki hesitantly grabbed the hem of her skirt.

She walked and sat on the long couch, but a distance could be seen between them.

I didn't really payed attention to them much. "Your name is Jade right?" A new voice asked me and I turned to see Rima talking to me.

"Uhn. And you are...Rima, right?" I asked. In the day, Rima worked as a model.

"Hai. Thank you for substituting me for the shoot."


"I was supposed to shoot for this," she took out the magazine that I shoot with Kou." But I can't make it during the last minute."

"O-Oh. I see." WHY DOES SHE HAVE A COPY?! I am so doomed.

"You should model often. Right Shiki?" Rima asked and he nodded his head with speaking.

"No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no, NO!" I said and waved my hands infront of my face quickly.

"There's too many no's..." Shiki said and I sweatdropped.

"I just... don't feel comfortable modelling..." I said, "Plus, I got dragged into this by Kou." I pointed at the magazine

"You actually seem okay talking to vampires." Akatsuki said and I looked up at him. (Height difference T_T )

"Well, I live with 10 vampires to be exact. So this is quite normal for me." I said.

"Nani?!" The trio 'shouted' and I just smiled awkwardly.

"Yah... Anyways-" I suddenly felt a tension in the air and saw that Zero was pointing a gun at Kuran and a female vampire with purple hair was pointing a dagger at his neck.

"Zero. Stop it." I warned and my hand held on 'Rose-Camilia'. He 'tched' and place down his gun.

"Gomenasai. Zero just can't control himself." I said and a dagger was sent flying to my direction. I caught it with ease and sent it back twice the speed to the same female vampire who pointed a dagger at Zero, Seiren.

The dagger sliced her left cheek and blood trickled down.

"I have other matters to attend to, so excuse me." I said and walked out if the party.

Stupid. Setting up a trap so that they would know my identity. As expected from a Kuran. Demo, I won't fall for that easily.

I growled and went back to my room and changed into a comfortable sleep wear.

*Knock Knock* I turned my head to the window and saw Zenki knocking on the window.

"What are you doing here!? There are vampires here you know?!" I whisper shouted and allowed Zenki to come in.

"Gomen, Hime. Demo, Arcadia-Sama wanted to pass you this." He said and handed me a vial of blood.

"He can't go around cutting himself all day! He's learning after Azuza-kun!" I said and face palmed.

"We've also told him but he doesn't really listen... I think I have to go back soon."

"Uhn. Oyasumi, Zenki." I said and watched his figure slowly getting smaller over the horizon.

I placed the blood vial in a small treasure chest and locked it.

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