Chapter Thirty-Three ↬↬↬

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"No, Zuji, you can't follow me to class! You may get burned by Akatsuki or iced by Hanabusa." I said and gently pried off that blob of brown fur and put him on the floor, but he run up to me and climbed up and clawed at my uniform.

"That's a very cute dog."

My eyes widened and slowly turned my head to face that figure. Oh my's him...

Japphire Pov~

"Jade? You came back already?" Zero asked and picked up Zuji.

"Y-Yeah... Wait. Why are you in the Moon dorms." I asked and folded my arms.

"I heard that there would be two new maggots in the Night class. But it turns out to be you. I wonder who is the other one." He said and ruffled Zuji.

He may be referring to Masahiko.

"Hey Zero, don't mind if I ask but, why aren't you a level E yet?" Zero looked at me and replied simply.

"No idea."


Zero blinked once. Then twice. "Good? Are you out-"

"Here. This is Shizuka's blood. Drink it." I passed him a blood vial.

Before Zero could question anything, I cut him off. "Drink first. Questions last."

He passed Zuji to me who was wagging his tail and looking at Zero popping open the lid and gulping it down.

He finished the contents and passed me back the vial. "I don't feel anything." So blunt.

"You're not supposed to feel anything. By the way, its not Shizuka's blood, its poison."

Zero's eyes bugged out of his eyesockets and I slam him against the wall and cup his mouth tightly, right before he could try to vomit out the contents.

"Don't spit it out. I begged my brother to help me do this and I have paid the price. Don't waste my effort." I growled at him.

He swallowed it and I let go. Later I explained that the poison is not harmful to him. It actually amends his cells and DNA to a normal humans and get rid of the vampiric ones. Well, what can you say? Orochi and Reiji-nii are just good at this stuff.

"So you're saying that I'm a human now?" He asked and I shook my head. "There would be a slight side effect. Now, you're immortal. You just live forever. No you don't get supernatural strength or anything." I answered. Looks like I burst his bubble of killing the Kuran.

"Arf! Arf! Arf!" Zuji wriggled and slipped out from my arms ran away from us and barked. Oh no... Zero and I share worried glances and dashed off to find him.

After running along the sidewalks, I saw Masahiko with... YUKI?! They were talking near the swan fountain until Zuji decided to interrupt them by barking loudly. Yuki jumped up and pointed her Artemis rod at him.

Zuji was barking at Yuki non stop. I quickly rushed to Zuji and picked him up, cradling him on my arms. "Jade you're back! And you're with Zero...?" A hint of jealousy was heard. I thought she liked the Kuran?

Masahiko combed his hair back and grunted. "Yeah. Why aren't you in class?" Masahiko asked me and I freaked out.

"OH MY GOD! SHIT I'M LATE!" I shouted and zoomed my way to class.

Time skip~

Classes have ended and I was sulking my way back to the dorms.

Why? Simple. Just because I didn't eat any dinner and my stomach is rumbling like mad.

Reaching the Moon dorms, I walked to the kitchen, with Zuji tailing behind me and sometimes clawing gently on my ankle.

"I know Zuji. I'm cooking now okay?"

When Zuji does that, he is just telling me that it is time to eat or that he is hungry or thirsty. I boiled a part of chicken breast and removed away the skin. Cooking it over my fox fire, I placed it on a plate and gave it to Zuji.

"I didn't knew you know how to cook."

"Zero! Stop randomly appearing from no where!" I grumbled and sat down to pat Zuji while he's eating.

I just relised that the Night class students doesn't cook any food. Do the fridge and cupboards are all empty. Well, not entirely empty. There's a few pecks of dust. But I can't eat them right?

"There's some leftovers at my place. Don't expect much, it's just kimchi ramen."

I nodded my head and before I could leave, Zuji ran up to me and climbed up to my tummy. I turned and saw that he had already eaten his meal.

"Wait Zuji not now. I need to clean your bowl first okay?" I sighed he just wag his tail in response.

Time skip~

I didn't know that kimchi ramen tastes so good. I mean, I have heard of it before but I didn't really eat it before.

I are my noodles quietly while Zero was showering in the bathroom.

Damn, I should have brought over some clothes to change. And god the kimchi us just so nice. Should ask Zero to give me some of it. I gulped down the noodles while Zuji was just sitting on my feet.

"You like the ramen?" Zero asked me and I nodded my head vigorously. "Lemme guess, its actually just the kimchi. You can take it all. I have 10 big containers in the fridge. And if you want more, Kaien would be happy to give you more."

I nodded my head but we were disrupted by something ominous from the room.

"You started dating my sister on her first day of school?"

Zero and I whipped our heads and to my surprise, I see an angry looking Kazuki crossing his arms with a look of disappointment.

"I'm no-"

"He's giving me dinner. I'm hngry you know?" I looked up 'innocently' at Kazuki and he shrugged and plopped down on the seat next to me.

"I heard from Kuran that you just slapped him."

"Anno... I've been here for 1 hour with Zero, right?" I glanced at Zero and he nodded his head.

"Yeah but he just took a shower. Does it mean you take a shower with him?" Kazuki gave me the dirty look.

"So know you're doubting me? Excuse me but-"

"I don't care. You slapped him means you slapped him. Are you trying to tell me that Kuranand lied?" His tone became heavier and aggressive.

"I don't think you can accuse Jade-"

"SILENCE!!!" Kazuki stood up adruptly and banged his hands on the table. "I expect better Jade." With that he left.

What the shit. Did Kazuki just PMS infront of Jade? Read more to find out~~~

Omigod. I haven't update in ages... Guys help me. Homework is killing me. I have exams this week too...


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