°ChApTeR 7°

597 28 52

"What...do we do now.."
Rocky whispered staring at me.
I didn't respond but only Held onto my hand gun tighter,I peeked out the window and saw the sun rising,As well as some of those Things gone too.

I glanced back at natsu and saw his chest rise and fall in the right manner,He's going to be okay.

"Looks like 3 more left huh?" Wendy asked nervously trying to create conversation in the quiet attic.

"Hm..I would go get rid of them but gunshots would just lure them back,I need to get natsu to a doctor... I can't let him go into a coma. Not now..Not today.."
I stood up and grabbed machete out of my bag and went downstairs, Rocky finally put panicked and ran to me."S-sis!I'm sorry,I was just trying to protect you!I didn't mean to...I'm just a boy..I'm not a man like natsu, I understand that you two love each other but please....don't shut me out because of a mistake..."


(omf best sound effect ever)

"Listen up you little shit!I'm the older one!And what I Say,Goes! You can't protect me!I can't protect myself...Km not a little girl..But I can protect you. And that's what I'm going to do.
Don't be so arrogant about things and think you're what you're not,Okay? So just trust me."
I said kissing his reddened cheek and jogging downstairs.

I slowly pushed the door open and cursed as it creaked, They turned their heads slowly towards my And began walking into my direction, I kicked one in the chest and stabbed another in the head going all out.

Damn..And I took a shower..
"Alright it's clear!Pack up the truck you two!"
I said as rocky and Wendy came running down the stairs with bags.
"I'll get natsu."I said smiling.

" Eh-"Wendy said trying to tell me something,
But footsteps could be heard walking down the stairs.
Natsu was already changed into his clean regular clothes and messing with the radio on his head."You're.. Away?"

Natsu smiled at me and nodded."It doesn't hurt that much but I'm fine. "

"What if he broke Your skull?"
I said panicking.
"It's just scratched, There was something on the pipe that cut me and had some weird stuff on it."

"oh yeah There was some white stuff on the tip of the pipe before I hit him with it."

"Pfft." Natsu said covering his mouth trying not to laugh. "Cut it out natsu."

"Whats so funny?"

I scratched my head and sighed."Nothing rocky..Adult jokes okay?"

"And as for you, You dirty minded retard are going to take it slow and easy for a while, Got it?"
He nodded and pulled the bandage on his head.
"If the scar is too much I can stitch it up for you when we get to a safer place."

We all began packing the car and hit the rode as we all sat quietly in the car. "Natsu,Lie down and sleep."

"I'm not tired-"

I pulled a knife From out the side of my leg were I had a holder there and pointed it at his throat."I.Said.Sleep."

He glared at me and touched my hand.
We just stared at each other as I didn't even dare glance at the rode,As if we had the most intense staring contest ever.
He finally smirked and dragged his tongue against my hand and I screamed dropping the knife.
He laughed and whipped tears from his eyes,"There's no way in hell you'll ever be able to scare or threaten me."
I glared at him and picked up the knife and pointed it towards his pants and he quickly raised up his hands."Say that agian and I'll chop off your dick dragneel. "

"Alright alright I'm Sleeping.. see?" He said leaning against the window.
I said to myself and smiled looking back at the road.
I drove for hours,And hours,Before eventually..

•Darkened Dayz• Natsu xReaderWhere stories live. Discover now