°ChApTeR 10°

525 30 22


"Is everyone alright?"

Asia ran outside to tend to the needed.
"Get that white headed bitch inside!I'm on let's move!"

Natsu Yelled pointing at lisanna who was in tears,He purple haired boyfriend shot a glare at natsu and helped her up.

"Let's lock up the place and get you cleaned."
Natsu gently touched my shoulder,My brows furrowed and I snapped away from him.
"Don't..Don't touch me!"

Just bye looking into his emerald eyes you could tell my rejection took a toll on him."Y/n-"

"No!How!?Why are you calm! Please! Someone help Him-"
He spun me around and covered the hand that wasn't bloody over my mouth.

"Listen to me...Calm down and breathe."

I wanted through my nose quickly as my hand shook in fear,Not of natsu..But what would be come of him.

I knew.

He was going to die..What do I do with myself..
"Good girl.."

"Natsu you can't hide it,By tomorrow morning you'll be.. You'll."

He shushed me and pulled him Into his chest,My fists called up as I wanted to hurt someone,Something,Anything.. Anything to get out what kind of pain and anxiety I had in store.

"It didn't bite me okay?"
Natsu lifted up his sleeve to where the wound showed,"I just got cut by the knife earlier.."

He gave a weary smile,It wasn't exactly time to be at ease,Because he knew That I wouldn't get over the fact so quietly.
"You- You bastard! Don't scared me..oh god please..no..not again,Please.I'm begging you."
I dropped to my knees and natsu went down with me brushing my hair.

"I wouldn't get myself to turn that easily..You know that.We both do."

"I do now..."


"I'll put a bullet through the bitches head!"
I stabbed the dresser table in the bedroom with a knife.
"No you won't,You'll play nice and share your doll's with lisanna,Got that?"

Natsu flicked my head and pulled the knife from the table spinning it around his fingers,Enjoying the feel.

"Listen to you- you're going on Luke an idiot!Do you see the mess she's caused!?If I put a round between her undersized cheat we could end this-"

He threw the knife in a random direction and turned around."No!You listen to me!Cut the Bullshit.You're mature enough to understand that if we don't cooperate how do we meet up with the rest of the gang?Huh!?"

He glared at me intensely and I stared back."This blows."

He looked at me and shook his head."I'm tired of you being such a child."

"I'm not a child -"

"Then if you want to be treated like a woman act like it or I'll have to call a baby sitter for you!"
My throat got caught and I couldn't speak.

There was a silence until I felt a shiver.."Maybe..You should treat me like a woman."

He relaxed his tense body and rubbed my head."Just do what you can to get along alright?"
I nodded as he sat down on the bed before throwing himself down,Releasing an exhausted sigh from his lips.
"We should bathe."

"I don't bathe with children."

"Drop that already!"



Where's Wendy?"
Natsu asked as I was closing up his wound."She's on the coach,Sleeping.."

I cut the thread with some scissors and he winced.
"It's gonna hurt you know.."

"yeah I kinda saw that coming when you grabbed a thread an needle from the dresser."

He paused

"So you have medical experience with type of thing..Huh?"

"Field training you might say, year is short..But can teach a lot."
Natsu balked up his fist into his pants.
I quietly attempted to ignore it until i heard a mumble.

"A year is short..Yet feels for ever..."


"All done .."

I locked up the first aid kit back into its bag and zipped it up.
He seemed a little tense as he pulled his shirt back over his head.
By that I was a little disappointed."Hey it's sort of hot tonight,I thought you'd leave that off."

A smirk form in the corner of his lips ."Is that what you thought?Or prefer?"

"N.. neither."

Me and natsu soon climbed into bed after bathing and eating.It was quiet in the room as we laid on the bed not saying a word.
"Quiet night huh?"

I whispered as he turned on his side."Tell me about it..I mean I feel calm and relaxed.It's upsetting."
To this I turned over as well and glanced into his eyes."yeah.. It's as off how are you sleeping so soundly with construction workers outside,Outside the dead is walking..People eating,Killing,Suffering...And here wss are just lying here-"

He pressed a finger to my lips."Maybe this has been going on for years in another form yet now we're just opening our eyes,Huh?"
I nodded and he took his finger away.
"So um..Natsu,I know we're safe here and all but..I think we're over staying our welcome."

He looked up to the ceiling."I get where you're coming from..The rest of the group must be waiting somewhere,I still haven't fixed the radio so.."

I placed my hand on his cheek,"Don't worry about it.Get some sleep,We'll leave before sunrise.Just you,Me,And the kids."

"You make it sound like we're a family going on a vacation."He chuckled while placing his hand on mines.
I laughed along realizing that it was true.

We were so close that I felt his soft breathes tickle my forehead as his body was longer than mines so if I looked straight ahead of be staring at his neck instead.


His touched my back and pushed my body,Forcing me into his Chest."Can I..."

I looked up at him and saw a determined look on his face to tell me."uh-.."
I felt my face heat up and pushed away."Don't you think It's a little to early for us to be..You know..Having...Sex?"

"Okay.Where did that come from?"

"I-I'm sorry I got the wrong idea please forgive me I'm not that type of person I sw-"
He grabbed my chin and tilted my face to is,I couldn't see his face too clearly,But the moon allowed him to see mines.
"Though I have to admit...When you're all nervous and flustered it does turn me on,Right now you look weak and helpless.. Closing your eyes only makes my sadistic side want to take you..But I respect you and I would never hurt you y/n.."


"Please...Let me..Let me be your first,To everything,First love,First kiss,First friend..Give me everything because i want all of you."
He brushed my hair down my head running his fingers through it sending shivers down my spine.

"Funny..I wanted to ask you the same thing..But it's too late for me natsu.Take me.All of me... Please."

Sorry for the short chapter everyone but I got school tomorrow,Ill explain everything later,Bye you guys thanks for reading

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