[6] didnt mean to

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Yoongi groans in frustration when he wakes up from breathy oh gods and shits. "I'm trying to sleep here!"

"You always sleep. Can you at least suck me off?" Jimin half-jokes, and Yoongi was purely not ready to hear that.

"Suck that off yourself," he sighs.

A little embarrassed, Yoongi tosses a throw pillow at Jimin, and the latter quickly curls into a ball as his eye was hit by the edge of the fabricated material.

Yoongi clicks his tongue. What a great pretender. "I'm going to sleep."

Jimin answers, "Hope you get nightmares like you usually do."

Yoongi frowns as he looks at Jimin who is now rubbing his left eye. "You'll scratch your eye," states Yoongi as he remembers their mom telling them never to rub their eyes. He gets up to simply replace the boy's hand with his, letting it rest atop Jimin's closed eyelid. Using his free hand, Yoongi plays with Jimin's hair. "Does it hurt a lot?"

But Jimin, though liking Yoongi's little affection, pushes the latter on the stomach. "You made it this way so don't even bother."

"If you have just kept your voice down..."

"You said you're going to sleep, right? Then go to sleep."

"Are you angry?"

Jimin doesn't answer. He just slides into the blankets and covers his face. Yoongi takes it off from Jimin and places a soft kiss at the boy's eye.

Jimin was shocked, but just lets it last for 5 seconds. "Don't do that again unless I gave you the permission."

"You're angry."

Jimin sighs, "Just go to sleep. I don't wanna hear anything from now on."

"I do things for you but you just annoy me in return. Why are you being a shit these days, Jimin?"

"Ask yourself and answer it yourself. I don't have time for you," Jimin retorts as he turns around on his stomach.

"Wait til I tell mom I hate you being here with me," the older whispers under his breath.

Jimin heard it, but Yoongi didn't actually mean it. The former couldn't take those words off his mind, so he instructs himself to stay distant for awhile. He is upset. Very. What he's been told off bruises him for too much.

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