[28] annoying brat, hoseok

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"My best wishes to you, my friend."

Hoseok whines for the 16th time on that same day and Yoongi just have to roll his eyes.

"Please please please please lend me some money or I'm gonna die before it could even rain."

"The rain is pouring down, Hoseok."

"You've planned on buying that book for a month and you don't have the money? Why the fuck—"

Another whine. "I just have to buy Paripoopoo a box of Trix everyday."

"And who is this Paripoopoo?"

"My dog." Yet again another whine. "Please please please pretty please?"

"Yoongi, we believe in you," Seokjin and Namjoon said in unison as they both stand up and pick their bags up in a swift.

"I don't get how a boy could feed a dog a box of Trix everyday, Hoe-fucking-sucker."

Hoseok's lips turned even more upside-down. "He's big, you know, and he loves it plus the milk."

"Maybe that's just your own ass eating that box."

"It's not my pretty ass. And it's not the box. It's. The. Fucking. Cereal. Yoongi."

"Look who's cursing now," Yoongi challenges and shows Hoseok a grin. "I think I'm changing my mind."

"Holla wait up! Were you planning on lending me your money?" Hoseok shouts, causing the people inside and near the cafeteria look in curiosity of what seems to be occuring. "I mean—uh, Jimin—ah no! Paripoopoo!"

The watchers laugh and eventually went into their own businesses.

"And I just heard something very inappropriate. Go home now and cry inside your bathroom before I kill you myself."

"C'mon, don't be so hard on me!"

Yoongi raises his eyebrows. "Okay, kiss my shoe then."


"So you can convince me and I'd let you borrow my money and you'd buy whatever that shit you were talking about and—HOLD THE FUCK UP ARE YOU ACTUALLY GOING TO DO WHAT I SAID?"

"I'm fucking desperate right now," Hoseok groans.

Yoongi laughs and pulls Hoseok up from the ground. "Boy, why you gotta be so dumb? Do you really think I'll let my best friend kiss my shoe?" He raises his eyebrows. "Of course I would, but not now. People might see me differently."

"Goddamn, I hate you."

"I love you too, my horse."

"I think my heart raced just now."

"Na-uh, it didn't."


"Oh my god, I've gotten lucky. Yoongi, this is the last piece. Fuck, you're buying me this, right? Holy cow, thank you."

"Last piece and why are you holding three?"

"It's trilogy. Counted as one, babe."

"'Kay, herro."

Yoongi hands Hoseok the money and motions his head to where the counter is.

"That's my birthday gift to you for the next three years."

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