Catch Up

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The view, the city lights, the thumping of the plane, as if it was turbulence. The sudden cool breeze, or the sound of the seatbelt sign turning on & off, then back on again. Making sure any pesky travelers were wandering the plane, even though there wasn't many places to wonder, except to coach I suppose, which is where we seated, the press didn't want fans catching pictures, and posting them on good darling fan pages, and what not.

Reality sinks in sometimes, three shows in the period of two weeks, the next two weeks we'd be performing three big shows. At places I had never heard of, considering I had never left the United States.

Most would consider me lucky, lucky to be playing in front of thousands of fans, married to a gorgeous country boy, having a family that loves me, honestly that is what blessed is, the actual and literal definition of blessed.

I wasn't quite sure what to expect when we landed, swarms of people at the airport, holding up signs, and snapping pictures of me, my hair in a messy bun, me in some nike shorts, and a old tshirt, and my house slippers, which we will not discuss.

Was my life about to change? when I stepped off into a whole different universe, was my life going to be different.

Just nearly two months ago, I was sitting at my little apartment, drinking sweet tea, typing to crap out of a small piece I had taken for my New York Times job, but any piece I could get, I took it. Everyone that worked at New York Times knew that when offered a job, you must take it, or you'd be a complete and utter idiot. Which I didn't want to be.

My life always seemed to be missing something, and I guess that was the good and wholesomeness of friendship. I had Dani, Amaya, Piper, & Katrina. And now I had Grant. Don't even get me rambling about Grant.

I stared down out of the window, I was seated next to a half asleep grant, his earbuds in, and looked adorable but totally casual, considering he never goes anywhere without cowboy boots.

Up in the clouds you see the world at a different light, a different perspective.

Michael had his head rested on my left shoulder, I had both legs on his lap, we were sprawled out in the first class flyers area.

I had been drinking lots of water, and chewing gum, and trying to sleep, so they jet lagged didn't affect me as much, even though it was going to hit me pretty bad.

I had been through this roller coaster before, flying and traveling. But never just for fun. And never actually performing as a back up singer for a world famous band.

But things change, as you age.

I was just now figuring this out I guess.

My favorite song that Mikey had wrote especially for me, Heartbreak girl, was blasting through my earphones, and I just stared at him, and pushed my fingers through his hair. I was so in love with him. It was crazy.

Dressed in shorts, and a baggy sweatshirt, and some vans, I was boarding the plane, time for take off, or what not. It was 4 o'clock in the morning in the United States, and the time difference was going to be like hell. But honestly none of that mattered. I was going to the greatest place ever. With the best guy ever.

I rested my head on him, as he observed the ground below, he had a great outlook on life, I don't know what it was, but it was amazing.

One may describe him as adventurous, he was a little more to me. Alright maybe more than just a little, he was my rock.

He helped me through any anxiety, and stress, and depression, that I ever felt, I helped him through his harsh past.

I mean I guess we all have pasts.

Some more complex than others. But watching his eyes graze the land, and the world captivated into his eyes, it was perfect. Like no other thing.

It slightly frightened me, to take off, on a plane, to another country, and leave behind my 16 almost 17 year old daughter, in some beach mansion, with a boy we kinda knew, and her best friend.

I mean I Trust her, more than anything, but as a mom it scared me, to leave her, she was growing up too fast.

But that's all kids, she went from wearing super hero pjs, to wearing short dresses, and doing eye makeup. It's scary, but also fascinating to see my daughter mature, and face the real world.

She has texted me every day since the wedding, texting me things like, Daniel (her boyfriend) is so sweet, he bought me this, he did this, we went here, etc, etc. Young love, was thrilling but again scary. Just yesterday was the day we adopted her.

Anyway, Josh and I had slept a lot of the plane ride, but I woke up thinking about Layla, Josh kissed my forehead, and said everything's going to be okay, and cranked open his laptop so we could watch my favorite movie.

With the warm embrace of Josh, fears went away, which there is not a lot of instances where things happen like that. But I guess that's why they say once in a lifetime, one in a million, or even soul mate.

Many question the life of a rockstar, which is what several magazines have called me. But honestly when you sit down and evaluate the life of a rockstar, it's not all it's cracked up to be. It's fantastic, and you love it so much, but also exhausting, and stressful. It's a bundle of emotions.

Don't get me wrong, costume changes, screaming fans, hair and makeup, it's all fantastic, just some things aren't. like the possibility of getting strep throat, no matter how much tea and stuff you drink before and after concerts. And it's especially difficult to drink tea on a moving bus. Going from city to city, town to town.

I guess a perk, is staying healthy, and changing hair styles, and trending on Twitter & Instagram, and hearing my songs on the radio is always a plus.

It was off to Europe for me, See ya Later America.

Daisy, my mothers middle name, passed down for generations, it was sweet, and short, and a flower. All good things I guess.

My dad passed away when I was twelve, from terminal cancer, and my mother was a wreck, even though most of us knew it was going to happen. It was a rough patch for us. That's when I started singing, and picked up guitar, and danced.

I went to Juliard, for about a year, and then realized that dance was a unreliable career decision, even though it was my passion.

I needed to support my family. So I went to NYU, and got my degree in teaching, met a handsome gentleman in Law, and we ended up married, now going on 4 years.

We had a little girl, about to be 2 in November.  She was my life, Her Curley brown hair, and hazel eyes.

I lived in Nashville Tennessee, for a bit, played some old tunes I had written at a little cafe, and then My husband enlisted into the military, about a year ago, so we took our baby girl and moved to Alaska. Which quite honestly wasn't the best place to raise a family.

And about 6 months ago, My husband got severely injured , In a wreck, on the plane. He was one of twenty that survived, on a plane carrying about 50 soldiers, the plane was shot down, it was a rough patch. But now we are living in California, and his health is better, and our baby girl is strong, and so am I.

Looking forward to sharing more

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