Amaya {1} & Daisy {1}

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Amaya POV

November 7th, London Airport 
The flight that we had traveled on, the flight that started our dreams, had just landed on the soil of UK, we landed at the London airport, and i am sitting here writing to you, journal, to tell you how the flight went and how my life was going, or at least that's what my father said whenever he gave me this journal, because he knew my love of writing and such.

London, to some, it's a great place, full of life, and love, but honestly, it was architecture, and the history that had drawn me so near, and this was coming from me, sitting on the plane, in the London airport runway, just awaiting the unloading.

Oh London, what are you to bring for me?

I unbuckled my latched tight seat belt, and stood up, stretching my stiff bones, I Looked around, I had talked to Piper the most this flight, because she didn't sleep much, which was normal for her on road trips or any where long distance.

We gossiped while our husbands slept, and such. Drank Sprite, and loads of water. And all American stuff, getting our fill of American things before we didn't have all the same brands.

"How's my love" Greyson wrapped his arms around me, and wrapped me into a hug.

"Tired, my legs and body hurts" I smiled.

"How are you" I asked

"I'm doing good, I slept real well, and now I'm hyped, to kick off London." He said and his southern accent really kicked in there, it was adorable.

"Yeah, maybe some good food first" He laughed and helped me get my bags down from the overhead bin.

"Thanks Love" I smiled, and he wrapped his arm around me. We walked off the stairs, and off the the baggage claim we went.

"Amaya, Amaya Diamond, would you like to comment about the wedding"

"Can you sign this"

And suddenly we were surrounded by reporters and fans, it was shocking how fast you can go from calm, to a new country, to famous?


Daisy POV

Rory sat on my lap, as the train chugged along the track. The subway was packed this time of day, It was about 8 am in the town of London, We traveled out here about two weeks ago, for this big festival. Where musical groups come far and wide, to perform, and yes mommy was one of them.

Daisy Boyd, it read on many flyers and stuff posted on the subway. We were off to meet my stud of a husband Ryan. He supported me every time I performed, and now we were performing in London, with lots of big time performers.

I had played at Madison square garden, but this festival was raising my anxiety levels.

The train stopped, and loads of people, including us, unloaded the train. There stood Ryan, in his military uniform, Even though he wasn't serving, he still worked in the field. Being a private or something. He works more with the fbi, and police and such.

It was cold out in the England skies, I smiled as Rory smiled, I was holding her in a baby carrier, dressed in a little red dress, with black leggings, and a little beanie that Ryan's Mama made her, during the spring time, it had little ladybugs on it.

We walked over to Ryan, and pushed past people, and avoided eye contact with some of the homeless men on the street, that smelled of cheap liquor.

"My two girls" he smiled. and embraced us.

"Did you bring the stroller?" I asked.

"Yeah it's in the back of the jeep" He said, and I followed him to the car.

"Are you excited for tomorrow" He said wrapping his left arm around my shoulders

"Kinda, just a little anxious I guess" I said.

"Don't be, I Know you will be fantastic" He kissed my forehead, and we walked off to the car.


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