Katelyn {1}

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"Katelyn, Katelyn, what's your stance on the most recent article about you, and Seth Firn, are you two together or what? " The reporter asked a very vague question and her smirk was questionable.

I did as all my people that work for me say to do, and simply say no comment, and fight my way through paparazzi, and then lock myself in the dressing room.

It was approximately 3pm, and I was performing in about 2 hours.

My hair and makeup were done, and all I had to do was put on this silver sparkly skirt, and a tshirt, with some cliche quote on it, that all the fans raved about, and thought I was "tots tumblr". Which is exactly what my manager wants them to say, so no arguing there.

There was a sudden knock on the door, which nearly made me chunk my phone across the room, but we won't talk about that.

"Come in"

"Hey darling, it is so great to see you" Oh great, It's Amy Green, an opener for a country band, and suddenly everyone and their dog loves her.

I've known Amy green since I moved to Texas, my freshman year of high school.

Let's just be blunt and say she's a bitch. Because honestly it was the truth. Backstabbing me before my graduating year. And suddenly she has a ton of Instagram followers. I don't think so.

It started when I started dating this really annoying jerk, but I didn't think it at the time, I saw him as a cute teenage delinquent, I guess. But Amy, oh Amy, decided to like him, and go after him, just like any other guy I laid my eyes on, typical high school shit.

But now she was at my door, begging for attention.

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