Pity Party

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Melanie is a naturally funny person. I don't know how she manages to make me laugh 90% percent of the time we're together. She seemed like a great person. She was cute and funny. Probably smart too.

When walking into the previous stores, she would run in like a little kid. She would stop and just awe in how much she liked this place, just like the others.

When I saw her she was wearing a yellow skirt with designs on it. Her hair had little flower type things and her makeup was done beautifully. I wouldn't be surprised if she would be checked out by a couple of guys.

She was insecure about herself in general. She felt that nobody liked her, and that she wasn't the best looking person. That must have been why she wore such extravagant outfits and dyes her hair nice colours. I'm jealous of her, that she has the confidence to do such things when she feels so lowly about herself.

I aspire to be like her. Maybe one day.

We are eating. And we are watching people. People watching. She is making this impression of a guy wearing a business suit, eating at a mall food court. She had this manly voice and I couldn't stop laughing. She smiles brightly and finishes her food.

"So, Patrick. Patty Cakes. Pattyo. Stump Man..." She trailed on.

"Martinez. Mel. Melanie. Not much you can do with your name." She smiled.

"What made you want to come here? With me." Her eyes darted to anywhere but my face.

I thought, "We don't hangout enough. You're a fun person. Why did you want me to come?" I looked at her brown eyes. She kept returning the gesture, but then looking away.

"To be completely honest with you, Patrick. I want more guy friends." She mustered out. "My only friends really are Hayley, Sarah and Halsey. But it seems my only friend is Sarah now."

I sit there confused. What happened? Do I want to ask.

"At least you're honest." Did I really say that? Did I actually say that. She probably thinks you're mad.

Then she... smiles? "We should definitely hangout more often." She says.

I smile at her and we head toward the hot topic to check out the merch, then we will go to an HMV to see the music.

She asks me if I'm going to see Banners, and I tell her no. Because I didn't get tickets and the concert is on Friday. I was sad, but it's okay.

I managed to find a shirt that had the 1975 on it. She got a few that I didn't see.

In HMV I saw some vinyl and decide to look through it. I found Wiped Out! and Blue Neighbourhood. I wanted to get them, but my debit card said no. Melanie offered, but I couldn't.

When we depart ways she stops to hug me. What she whispered into my ear was unclear, but it sounded like "thanks for not asking." I don't know what she meant by that, but I'm glad I didn't ask?


Short little chapter.

So I found out wattpad only lets you have 200 chapters (I only have 50) but yeah. At least I know that I still have a lot more chapters I could do.

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