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Aldana arrived before Russell

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Aldana arrived before Russell. She'd managed to leave Hank behind after the meeting, but she hadn't been able to dodge Banks, who'd tailed her all the way from the station, his bumper almost in her trunk. He held Gillian long and tight as soon as he stepped into her house. Not a word, not a question, just a hug and a kiss in her hair that almost brought her down to tears again.

Aldana and Connor served lunch when Russell joined them. Gillian noticed he was pissed about something, but he just shook his head. Soon they were all around the table, and Aldana summed up the outcome of the meeting.

"They'll be so glad to have us as active officers starting next month, and use this couple of weeks to clear all the paperwork needed."

"But?" said Gillian, because Aldana's voice didn't match the good news.

She shrugged. "It's Ron. They wouldn't have him before he's cleared to go back to the field."

"But that's gonna take months!" argued Russell.

"Four at least," said Connor. "If his rehab goes well."

Aldana shrugged. "Yeah, I know. Don't hate me, just the messenger. Once he's cleared, he can join the force."

"And in the mean time? Would they pay him at least as a reservist?"

Aldana shook her head, grimacing.

"That rules them out," Gillian said in her usual plain way.

"Reg, you should consider—" Banks said.

"Nothing, Bob. I have nothing to consider. I'm not cleared for the field yet, so they wouldn't accept me, either."

"About that. Considering you'd be good to go in only a week, and that you're the Unit Chief, they're willing to—"

"Shove it up their trooper asses."

Aldana flashed a tight smile. "Thought you'd say that."

"Wait, guys, you can't just strike it out," Banks argued. "There aren't that many forces you can turn to. I mean, you're seven. Not one, not two, not even three, but seven! If you quit the PD and won't join the troopers, then what?"

"Maybe I'll invest my final payment in buying and restoring Orlando's, so I can spend the rest of my days drinking gallons of coffee for free." Gillian sighed. "At least that would give me a chance of a mano a mano with that Strafford guy. Would you be my cashier, Al?"

"Reg...," Banks said, calling her back to the subject.

"What. I don't have an answer to your question, Bob. I don't know what the hell we can do. I only know I'm not working for a force that won't have us all such as we are today. I've spent hours trying to cheer Ron up and make him stop considering early retirement. He's not disabled, so I won't let'em treat'im like one."

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