5. the subject

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Gillian poured herself a coffee while Brock and Russell stood in front of the staff

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Gillian poured herself a coffee while Brock and Russell stood in front of the staff. She reminded her heart of something called "normal rate" and felt one last chill run down her back—sharpening the contrast with the warmth filling her chest. She needed to fight back the stupid happy smile clutching at her lips before joining her team.

She enjoyed listening to Brock and Russell taking turns to speak in a calm, professional way, to share with the local police all they'd gathered since they'd gotten there. And she felt happy and proud of her friend, finally doing the kind of work they'd always liked most.

It was Russell who started. "We're looking for a white male in his early twenties, suffering from a masculine-identity crisis. He finds his victims online, on dating websites. He talks them into giving him their phone number, then invites them out on a date and abducts them, keeping them captive for a week before killing them."

"He's not only targeting a specific physical type of women," said Brock. "He's also looking for a certain psychological type—the motherly kind. We believe his mother emasculated him all through his childhood and puberty, and that's the key to his pathology. Now he's suffering a psychotic break, which distorts his perception of reality and his role in it. In this distorted reality, he's desperately trying to restore his self-image as a man."

"In his everyday life, the subject is a submissive person. Quiet, shy, apologetic. The kind of person you wouldn't notice. He keeps to himself and he doesn't socialize. We need to look for young men raised by single mothers. His neighbors would tell you he's a nice boy, but a little awkward. And keep in mind that he's beating the victims with his own hands. That's bound to leave a trace, so his hands, mostly his knuckles, will be at least scratched."

"Right now he's on a spree that's quickly devolving. We know he abducted Sylvia Jones last night, so we cannot count on him to keep her alive for a week as he did with his previous victims. What he's doing to these women requires time and space, so he's most likely keeping them in a house, with a garden isolating it from the neighboring properties. Or at a secluded secondary location, such as a vacant building or a warehouse."

"This man is full of rage, and he likes to display his strength, so he won't likely surrender. If cornered, he'll kill Sylvia and try to fight his way out."

"Needless to say time is of the essence to find her alive. Thank you."

Gillian realized her phone was buzzing. Tanya. She hurried to the conference room, while the staff approached Brock and Russell to ask some questions. Fred noticed she was gone and nodded at the rest of the team to follow her. She was already downloading a video to her computer, with Tanya and Kurt over Skype.

"The abduction of Christie Reynolds," she said to the team, playing the video.

They gathered around her and watched the feed. It showed a tall, fit young man who kept his back to the camera and his face out of sight the whole time. He dragged Christie Reynolds unconscious out of her car, hurled her over his shoulder best cave-man style, and walked out of the picture.

Gillian restored the Skype window.

"That's the best shot?" asked Ron.

Tanya nodded with a grimace. "No camera in or out of the parking lot shows which car he got into."

"Where are we with the IP?" asked Gillian.

"Nowhere. That scumbag knows his way around and it really pisses me off. Plus, we're checking the security feeds, and we still didn't have time to go through the feeds from the last restaurant."

"Send us some, we can do it," said Hank.

Wilson knocked and stuck his head in. "Uniforms found Coleridge's car. Another parking lot."

Brock had to stop at the door of the conference room to keep from stumbling onto the detective, and scowled at Wilson's look at Gillian—again, you damn boy scout?

She wasn't even looking his way, focused on replaying the video. She only looked up when she heard Brock say, "Coleman and I are going with you, Detective." To give you a cold shower if you don't get a damn grip on yourself.

Gillian met Brock's eyes with a quick nod. "We're staying here, checking the feeds."

They left and Fred went to the coffee machine, chuckling. "And there goes a disappointed detective."

Tanya and Kurt heard their giggles. "Why? What's going on over there?" he asked.

"Detective Wilson hoped for another ride with Reg, but he got Brockner and Russ instead," explained Aldana.

"Sorry, Reg," said Tanya.

"I'd be sorry for Wilson!" replied Hank.

Gillian felt she owed them to get in character and growled, while they all laughed, "Killjoys!"

"Focus, Reg, focus!" said Ron.

"I can't without coffee." Fred automatically handed her a steamy mug, so she turned to the computer. "Lads, send us the feeds. You search the credit card charges at both restaurants on the dates previous to the abductions and check if there's any overlap."

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