8. back in business

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Dinner time was long over and the fifth floor was deserted, save for the team's office

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Dinner time was long over and the fifth floor was deserted, save for the team's office. Tanya was there, setting her systems. And Cooper. The girl would've rather been alone, but there was no way Cooper would wait at home for a call to know how things had gone down.

Cooper inspected the printed pictures from the last three days and frowned deeper. One of them showed two of the guards carrying a long black bag to the shed.

"What's this?" she asked.

Tanya swallowed her urge to tell the woman to shut up and let her work, glanced up and let an annoyed hint echo in her answer. "Ron, I mean, Agent Bellison captured that this morning. We think they were moving a dead body. They took it out of the back storage into the cold shed after letting out the morning shift."

Cooper kept studying the pictures. She was about to ask something more when she heard Tanya say, "I'm on, Reg. Ready to jam their security cameras on your mark. Their system's gonna need five full minutes to reboot and kick me out."

Tanya saw Cooper's look and turned on the plasma with the remote, resuming her warp typing. Cooper saw the screen was divided in four to show the live stream from all their surveillance cameras. She got the don't-disturb memo. So she poured herself a coffee and found a seat right in front of the plasma, her back turned to Tanya.

At the vacant apartment, the team got ready. All of them wore in black, long-sleeved tops and fatigues, and Gillian could tell they were all glad to be finally back in business.

Fred finished checking his rifle and zipped his bag. "I'm going, guys," he said.

"Check in," replied Gillian, and approached Ron at the board table.

He was in Cooper's not-waiting-at-home club, so he'd follow their steps from the screens and tip them off if needed. Kurt was also there, not comfortable at all about being in the field, in charge of checking the trackers and cameras went online right there and then. That way, if there was any problem, they could correct it before retreating back to the vacant apartment.

"How are we?" Gillian asked.

"Fine, thanks," replied Ron, and nodded to the screens. "Nothing yet. The night shift is out and they're all having dinner in the yard as usual."

She stood behind him to take a look. Two dozen men and women sat on wood crates near the only exit of the back workshop. Other women brought them food from a big pot, set on a burner connected to a gas cylinder. The eight children played around, while a couple of girls did the laundry at the basins under the tree. All the grownups looked exhausted, in their bones.

The three armed guards were a few yards away, talking and smoking, eyes on their captives, automatic rifles hanging from their shoulders.

"The manager is here," said Kurt, pointing at the screen that showed the workshop front.

"Maybe we can bug his car now," said Hank, joining them.

Gillian narrowed her eyes, studying where the man was parking. Hank was right, they could do it while the thugs in the back were still relaxed. She just nodded. Hank patted Aldana's arm and they hurried out together.

Russell came in and shot a questioning look at Gillian. "Already?"

"Yeah. We should be going too," she said. "Fred?"

"One minute," Fred replied over the radio.

Gillian pressed Ron's shoulder and headed out with Russell.

"Be careful," Ron said.

"Be careful?" repeated Kurt. "Dude! Who are you?"

Gillian and Russell went down the stairs and paused before walking out.

"Clear," said Ron on the radio, and they left the building.

They ran across the street to the right and kept close to the workshop's brick wall. A moment later they turned around the corner.

"In position," reported Fred then.

"Car bugged," said Aldana.

Gillian and Russell followed the workshop side until they were under the branches that spread over the wall toward the sidewalk. There they stopped and looked up.

"You think they can hold us?" muttered Gillian.

"Unless you've given in to cakes."

She found Russell's wink and smiled. It was obvious he'd join their first fed procedure. But it was also so good, having him there with her.

Russell put his hands together and nodded up. Gillian placed her foot on his hands and jumped, stretching her arms over her head. She reached one of the branches, checked it was strong enough, and moved her feet to the wall, hoisting herself up.

"Car bug on," said Kurt then.

Gillian sneaked along the branch past the wall, the thick crown hiding her. Russell showed up behind her a moment later.

"They're getting ready," reported Ron.

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