14. night rain

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Brock zipped his bag and took it to the family room

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Brock zipped his bag and took it to the family room. All his things were already boxed up and in his car. Only his pajamas and the clothes he'd wear in the morning were left unpacked, and what he needed for his late tea before going to sleep and another one in the morning.

Russell had stopped by to share a takeout dinner and a beer with him. A nice gesture. He wasn't mad at Brock anymore, but rather the other way around, even grateful. Brock could see Gillian's intervention in his change of heart. Good. They had been partners for almost a year, and good ones, so Brock was glad they wouldn't part in bad terms. And they spent that last dinner recalling the best and worst moments they had been through together.

It was raining, one of those sudden spring storms the sea would bring ashore. Hopefully it'd be over by dawn, before he hit the road.

He was heading for the bathroom to take a shower when the bell startled him. He checked the hour, frowning. Maybe Russell had forgotten something he hadn't noticed? He picked up the intercom, a finger already about to press the button to let Russell in, when he heard a hesitating voice.

"Agent Brockner? It's—it's Gillian, sir..."

His finger pushed the button without wasting time in consulting with his brain. Gillian? He heard the building door open and close. Gillian?

It was almost ten, it poured buckets, and she sounded out of breath. What the hell...? Soon he heard her quick footsteps down the hall and kicked himself out of his surprise, just enough to hurry to the door and open it before she knocked.

And there she was. Brock scowled to keep from gawking, because she was panting out of breath, soaking wet, pale and quivering. He stepped aside and invited her in. She avoided eye contact, and Brock noticed her chill when she took the three steps she needed to cross his doorway and stop, barely in. Too taken aback to speak, Brock closed the door and waited, watching her.

Without a word, she looked around the apartment, where there was nothing left to hint it was occupied anymore. Then her eyes paused on his duffel bag. He noticed they were reddened and a little swollen, and he saw her quiver again.

"Gillian, what is it?" he asked, concern replacing surprise.

"You're leaving," she said, statement, not question.

"Yes," he replied cautiously.

She took a deep, shaky breath, her eyes nailed to the bag. Brock moved to try to face her and she stepped aside, as to avoid any kind of contact with him.

"I'm going back to DC tomorrow morning," he added in his controlled way. It usually worked to make her hold her horses and calm down. And it did.

She took another shaky breath with a curt nod and turned her pale face to him, but not quite. Maybe she tried to smile, but her lips pursed in a grimace, and her eyes were still on his bag. Brock noticed the tension she was under.

"Thought you knew," he said, trying to catch her full attention and make her face him.

She shook her head. "I found out just outta chance." She frowned, her lips still twisted in that tortured grimace. "I'm sorry, I—I shouldn't have come. I just wanted..." She shook her head again. "Never mind. Good luck, Agent Brockner. I'm happy for you."

She spun around and tried a step to the door, but Brock reached it first and rested his hand on the knob. It stopped her, as he thought.

"Talk to me, Gillian, what is it?"

She closed her eyes with yet another shaky breath. She really needed to get the hell out and away from there. From him. She should've never come. She'd never believed in signs, but her car breaking down five streets away from his apartment, in such a storm, should've told her something. She had nothing to do there. Yeah, sure, seeing him one last time. Bullshit. He didn't want to 'see her one last time', or ever again. When the hell would she ever accept it? Well, from now on she would let him be. He wouldn't have to worry about being forced to have her around. Ever again.

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