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Brock and the CARD team pulled over across the road from the team's SUVs and stepped out, already wearing their Kevlars

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Brock and the CARD team pulled over across the road from the team's SUVs and stepped out, already wearing their Kevlars. Hank waited for them a few steps ahead, and saw the cruisers and the ambulance driving closer down the road. Brock led the agents to meet Hank, but didn't get a chance to even introduce him. Hank saw them coming, motioned for them to follow and headed to the corner of Lebanon Road. There he stopped, turned around and pointed to his right.

Aldana came out from behind a bush near the house, Glock in hand.

"That way," Hank said to Brock in his driest tone and walked away.

Brock and the others hurried to meet Aldana. She was a little more civil than Hank, but didn't give room for introductions or handshakes either. She signaled them to stay down and pointed at the house.

"Dennis is in the second room on the right. The subject is in a room at the back of the house. Seems to be working on a computer," she said. "You should have the blueprints in your tablets."

She moved to leave and Brock touched her arm, stopping her.

"Where's the rest of your team, Miles?" he asked.

"At the back," she replied, and walked away.

Brock watched her turn around the corner and swallowed a sigh. Of course by then they'd all know about the CARD agents calling them 'rookies'. He couldn't blame them if they didn't feel like being friendly. The punks might be a rogue team, but they were well aware of what they were capable of.

Murphy was already shooting his orders. "Cortez, Plummer, take each a flank and stay outta sight. Hanno, you and I are taking the front with Brockner."

They all nodded and moved. Brock took the lead across the lawn up to the front door and knocked on it, as Murphy shouted his command for the subject to come out.

Behind the house, all around the backyard, Gillian and her team got ready. They heard the CARD agents kick the door open. There was some shouting and sounds of running. The backdoor swung open and the subject ran out, looking over his shoulder.

"FREEZE!" thundered Hank, showing up right past the hedge, his Glock pointing at the man's head.

The man turned sharply to run to one of the sides. But Gillian showed up there. The man ran backwards and spun around, stumbling on his own feet, only to find Aldana in front of him.

The man froze, feet apart, arms stretched out to his sides as to keep his balance, frantically turning his head one way and the other. He tried to jump toward Aldana. Fred's shot an inch away from his foot stopped him. So the man twirled around and ran to Gillian.

Her voice was glacier cold on the radio. "Let'im come."

Brock and Hanno stormed out the open backdoor. Right in time to see the man jump on Gillian, Fred's red dot of light on the back of his neck. Without even blinking, a cold glare fixed on his face, she stepped aside. When he failed to tackle her down, she launched her knee into his crotch and hit his temple with the butt of her Glock.

The man crumbled down at her feet, curling up in agony. She holstered her Glock, forced him to roll over and lie on his belly, sank her knee in his back and twisted his arm to cuff him.

Aldana and Hank joined her in no hurry, as she pulled the gasping man to his feet, not allowing him to bent forward as his pain demanded.

Brock watched it all with clenched teeth, a hint of the old cold burning in his chest trying to get his attention. He kept his eyes fixed on Gillian, waiting for her to meet them. By his side, Hanno was frozen, eyebrows raised in surprise at how fast and easy they had subdued the subject.

Gillian allowed Hank to take the man to the road and sent Aldana with them. She glanced at the backdoor, her eyes meeting Hanno's, not Brock's.

"The boy's fine?" she asked, clearly just out of courtesy.

Hanno managed a nod. Gillian nodded back, already looking away from the other woman. Brock scowled deeper when she spun around and walked away toward the road.

Ron came out of the trees past the backyard with his case and his cane. He nodded at Brock on his way to the road. Fred showed up, jumped the hedge in a single, fluid move, his rifle hanging from his shoulder.

"Agent Brockner. Ma'am," he said when he passed by, before jumping over the other end of the fence. He caught up with Ron and slowed down, taking the case from Ron's hands as they followed the others.

"Well, we got our boy and they got their killer," said Hanno with a quick shrug. "That's what I call a good deal."

Yeah, Brock thought. Only because they were as kind as to give us any part in this.

She went back into the house, leaving him alone at the doorway. He turned to look toward the road again. What the hell? He hated feeling pissed because Gillian had given him the cold shoulder, but he just couldn't help it. Which made him angry at himself. Anyway. Again. What the hell? First she just wouldn't stop meddling in his life. And now she wouldn't even look at him, as if he just wasn't there? Brock snorted, shaking his head. Gosh, that woman! He spun around and went to join the CARD team.

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