13. calling the shots

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**picture: Evergeen Cemetery, Portland - ME

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**picture: Evergeen Cemetery, Portland - ME

Two hours later they were shaking hands with Sergeant Baldwin, with Portland PD, who ran the precinct working the two murders. The man led them to a small conference room, where they had already pinned to a board what they had on the case. He gave Russell two folders and let them to their work.

The whole team turned to Brock, waiting for him to tell them what to do next. Brock noticed the unusual serious faces. Then he recalled that the last time he'd seen them, they had hardly traded a word. And there'd been all that rookie issue in between. Yeah, well, not exactly what helps build a fan base, Brockner. But he was their senior, in charge of the case, and the punks would have to keep their place.

He opened the folders and glanced up and around at them. "Let's go over victimology," he said, with his most distant tone and a blank scowl.

All of them pulled their tablets, while Gillian called Tanya on speaker.

Brock went on when he saw they all had the files. "Both victims left their jobs and never made it back home, so it's probable the subject is abducting them on the street."

"Their cars are missing as well," said Aldana.

"So the subject abducts them in their own cars?" said Ron.

"Maybe he forced his way into their cars with a gun or a knife," replied Hank.

"Or maybe they knew him," said Russell.

"Anything on your side, T?" asked Gillian, the first to sit down at the table, inviting her team to relax.

Tanya reported right away. "We can't find any overlap between their social media contacts. The victims didn't seem to know each other."

Fred raised his eyebrows. "Well, they sure share a type: same age, brunette, middle-class workers, single, living alone."

Brock took a look at the autopsy schematics. "Neither of them present defensive wounds. So he subdues them before they can try to resist."

"And he's in good shape," said Ron from the board, studying a diagram of the cemetery where the bodies had been found. "He's dumping the bodies far from any of the entrances."

"Hey, T, when did they last use their credit cards?" asked Russell.

"The same day they were abducted, after leaving their works. Christie Reynolds stopped at a drugstore on her way home and Rose Coleridge picked up her laundry."

They paused, still going over pictures and reports. Then something caught Gillian's attention and she turned to Hank. "Hey, Doc, take a look at the autopsy reports. Both victims present almost exactly the same pattern of wounds from the beatings."

Russell checked the schematics and frowned. "That's hard to say, Reg. In the state they were found, there's no way of telling for sure what came before the final beating."

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