7. dragon in a bottle

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Brock got home earlier than usual

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Brock got home earlier than usual. He'd managed to endure the rest of the day, after his long meeting with Cassidy, by giving some order to all the reports and question lists he'd used over the last ten weeks. Which were in perfect order already, according to his habits.

As soon as he stepped into his apartment, he dropped the keys, pulling at his tie to loosen it, and crossed the family room straight to the kitchen cupboard. He snatched the Blue Label bottle, a glass, and strode back to the living room to flop himself onto the couch. He felt his phone in his pocket and took it out, turned it off and threw it to the other end of the couch.

He was supposed to meet Russell, but he'd called him earlier to cancel. He'd already checked on Andrea. Now he didn't want any intrusion from the outside world. He felt he'd had more than enough of that for a lifetime.

When he opened the bottle, he paused to scowl at the label and filled his glass with an annoyed sigh. He'd sworn he'd never touch that bottle again, after Andrea used it during their argument about Viv. But that night it was just the right thing to drink. Not only because of the quality whiskey. Also because of the sender. Time to be done with both.

Jeez, how did Gillian manage to stand in his way again and again? Sometimes he wished he could just erase her from his life for good. But no matter how hard he tried, her name would always just pop up. Earning him congratulations and pats on his shoulder from Cassidy up to the Director. Charming his daughter into believing she was a better fit for him than Viv. He couldn't even hand over a report without stumbling on whatever she was doing!

And now this.

He emptied his glass in a single gulp and refilled it, grunting under his breath.


A few words from her had ended up revealing how he'd been betrayed, tripped, kicked, stabbed and lied at for the last six years. And now it was all on him to cope and handle it.

Brock rubbed his face and leaned back on the couch with an angry sigh, his eyes blankly staring at the angle of the wall and the ceiling.

Cassidy had been thorough, explaining what he'd discovered over the last four months, but he couldn't hear all of it. His mind just refused to register. He did listen to the basic facts. The rest of it didn't matter. Actually none of it mattered anymore. Not after all this time.

Basic facts.

His original sanction for killing the Libra had been extending his leave with a three-month suspension. So he'd have time to grieve and sink into depression all he wanted. And learn from his mistakes—if he ever survived. As if. The only mistake he'd made had been not being home the night the Libra had broken into his house and murdered Georgia.

But his actions had meant trouble for his Unit Chief, Grubber, and his Section Chief, Burton. Not only the fact that he'd killed the Libra when he wasn't working the case and he actually wasn't even in active duty back then, because he was on leave due to Georgia's death.

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