4. the catch

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It was just too good to be true, and Brock knew better than expect such a free lunch

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It was just too good to be true, and Brock knew better than expect such a free lunch. He tried to come up with a proper way to ask it, but there was none.

"What's the catch, sir?"

"I want your basecamp in Boston." Cassidy chuckled when Brock ducked his head, frowning. "That's not a catch for you?"

"I've worked under Cooper for almost a year, sir. I don't think that would be a problem."

"And you wouldn't have any problem either about working with Gillian and her team on regular basis."

Brock slowly leaned back on the couch, narrowing his eyes, and Cassidy flashed his mocking little smirk.

The man pointed at him with a finger like the barrel of a gun. "One day I'm gonna make you confess what the hell is going on between you two." He couldn't help laughing at Brock's horrified scowl. "Gillian claims it's not on the bed side. But man, the way she stands for you? I was afraid she'd jump to my throat! And as for you, I think Agent Hanno is gonna need counseling to overcome your scold for sending Gillian away. Yet you squirm when you as much as overhear her name!"

Brock couldn't decide what he was more shocked about: Cassidy asking Gillian about such a personal issue, or the way the man read reactions he thought he succeeded to hide.

"Well, now you'll have a chance to smooth things out with her. And you better do it, Brockner, 'cause I gotta state loud and clear that her team needs to stay a team. I already have other Divisions on my neck, trying to break them apart to keep some of them to themselves."

That caught Brock's attention.

Cassidy shrugged with a quick grimace. "They argue that they're not a real unit, so there's no reason to keep them together. So I have Cyber crying out loud for Lawrence, and Counterterrorism want Bellison and Morris, and Crimes Against Children want Miles. And absolutely all of them and then some want Gillian. Jeez! I even got a call from the DEA, asking me to give them Schwarz back! But I gave my word to Gillian they would stay together, and I'd like to keep it. Actually, that was one of the no-negotiable conditions she had to join the Bureau."

Brock couldn't help his face to reflect his mind—you negotiated with the punks?

Cassidy smirked again at his open disapproval. "C'mon, Brockner, I've been in the field with them, like you. We both know they're all great on their own, but they're a frigging machine when they work together." A soft knock on the door pulled a sigh out of Cassidy's lips. "And that's Jo, calling me to duty. Sometimes I hate this woman's guts, but I can't live without her."

He stood up and Brock did too, knowing the meeting was over. They'd discuss the details of his new post later on.

"Come in," Cassidy said, going to his desk, from where he took a white envelope to hand it to Brock. "Here. There you have the numbers of your new post. You already know the costs of living in Boston, so tell me if that's enough to cover your expenses."

The secretary came in, nodded hi at them and gave Cassidy a page that made him sigh again.

"Okay, if you say so...," he muttered, and checked the time. "I better get going, then." He looked up at Brock with a quick smile. "You're gonna need some instruction about the administrative part of the job. Jo has the details. You'll be starting next month."

Brock just nodded, the envelope still closed in his hand. Cassidy flashed one last smile, grabbed his tablet and walked out. To show up again a moment later.

"Know what? Take Coleman with you. I'm tired of his waylays to tell me how great working in Boston is. See if you're leaving him there or if you want him working with you as your fulltime assistant or whatever you wanna call it."

Brock didn't hide his surprise. Assistant? Was he supposed to have a secretary, aides, that kind of thing?

Cassidy shrugged. "Mattock used to have four aides, so pick your team. Or do it all solo. It's up to—"

"Sir..." Jo cut him off in a tone that suited better a mother chiding her son to get him tidy his room.

"Yeah, yeah, on my way," grunted Cassidy, and left.

Jo turned to Brock—time to take care of the other kid. "If you'd follow me, sir," she said.

Brock did, realizing 'next month' was actually only ten days away. Another hurried packing ahead. And telling Andrea about it. She would be thrilled. Oh, and Viv. She would certainly not be thrilled. At all. Well, the control freak would have to find somebody else to talk about her poodles.

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