Harry's experience with Amortentia

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     I was running late for Potions. Professor McGonagall had wanted me to meet with her in her office to discuss my career opportunities. I happily obliged, eager for the chance to get out of Potions class with Snape. 

     "Professor Snape, Harry," Professor McGonagall reminded me over a cup of tea and biscuits. "Now tell me, Potter, what exactly are you planning to do outside of Hogwarts?" 

      "I dunno, Professor. I hadn't really thought about much else than fighting Voldemort. Maybe being an Auror would be exciting."

      "I believe that would be acheivable, Potter. But it won't be if you don't get to class. Hurry along now. I'll talk to you later." 

      "Yes, professor." I said. I left Professor McGonagall's office and turned down the hallway and went down the stairs to the Potion's classroom. I walked in late. The entire class, well, everyone except Luna, looked up when I walked in. I saw Draco's piercing blue eyes gazing at me. They were the color of summer days by the pool. I could almost smell his shampoo from over here, and I clenched my fists so they wouldn't let my body rush over and run my hands through his hair. Wait a minute, I sniffed again. No, the smell of Draco's shampoo wasn't my imagination. It smelled like somebody dumped a whole load of his shampoo in here. 

     "Why does it smell like Draco's shampoo in here?" I asked the whole class. 

      "Glad to see you....finally joined us....Potter." Snape scowled at me from across the room. "You would...know why it...smells like Malfoy's shampoo...in here if you....had joined us this....morning." 

      "Sorry, Snape, but I was meeting with McGonagall to discuss my career." I say, setting down my Potion book on the table next to Hermione. 

     "What do you smell, Harry?" Hermione asked quizzically. I shrugged and sniffed the air again. 

      "I smell....well, Malfoy's shampoo obviously, and my quidditch broom handle, and the Burrow. Why?" Sudden realization dawned on him. The class was making the love potion today. "Amortentia?" I asked, more of a statement than a question. Hermione just nodded. Ron's face was turning red from holding back his laughter. I felt my cheeks grow hot, and I'm sure they were redder than ever. The tips of my ears were burning with embarrassment. 

     "Took you long enough, Potter." Malfoy sneers at me. I ignore him and start making up my own Amortentia. The rest of class goes fine, until Snape steps out into the hallway with Professor Trelawney. That's when Malfoy bewitches a piece of paper to fly at my head. 

      It hits me once, then twice, then three times. I finally snatch it out of the air and spell it to the bin in the corner of the room. It flies right out of there and hits me in the nose. Grumbling, I take the piece of paper and open it up, hoping to set it ablaze. 

Quidditch pitch, tonight, 8:00, see you then

It reads. I grab m quill pen and write a quick yes on it. Then, I bewitch it to go bop Malfoy on his nose. Malfoy reads the little slip of paper and winks at me before going back to his normal scowl. The electricity between us is lost and Snape walks in the room again. 

     "Class....dismissed..." He says. I'm swept out of the room and up the steps before I have a chance to talk to Draco. I glance behind me, but I don't spot his golden, sunshine-colored hair or his ocean blue, sparkly eyes. And I wonder how he could have ever sent me that note, and maybe it's a prank, because somebody as beautiful and perfect and just...him could never want someone as imperfect and unglamorous as me. 

      As I sit at the Great Hall eating dinner with Hermione and Ron, I can't help but keep thinking of Draco and his note. 

     "Harry?" Ron looks over at me, holding a piece of chicken in one hand and his drink in the other. "Who're you lookin' at?" 

     "Oh, uh, no one." I say quietly, quickly averting my attention back to Ron and his rant about some new homework assignment. Normally, I would join in the rant, but today I can't argue. Except with myself. Over this note. Is it a prank?  What does Malfoy want? 

I'll only find  out at 8:00 on the Quidditch field.

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