Hogwarts Train

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Hey guys! I've been kind of avoiding this part...
I'm sorry about Narcissa! I really didn't want to do that but I couldn't think of any other way to do this, and I know I have to do this. Thank you so much for reading this far and I hope that even after this chapter you'll keep reading.

"Would you like anything from the trolley?" The older witch walks up to our compartment, pushing her trolley in front of her. I glance at Harry, who shakes his head.

"No thanks," I mutter, the first thing I've said in- how long? An hour? Two? Three? I can't keep track of time anymore. I don't think I want to. Harry turns and stares out the window, finally realizing that I'm not going to tell him anything.

I know that those Ministry workers sent the dementors onto my family. They so badly wanted my father to die...it was just a lucky coincidence that my mother was there too. And now they're going to get me and anyone else who is close to me. And that would include The Boy Who Lived. I gulp, feeling my tears collecting behind my pupils. They start spilling before I can blink them away.

Then it's all of me. The tears are coming faster and faster; Harry looks up worried and concerned, but I ignore him. My hands start shaking and my entire face crumples up in anguish, which I know does NOT look attractive. I look away, not wanting Harry to see me like this. I'm supposed to be brave. I've lost my mom and dad. He lost his, plus his godfather, uncle, and friends. I'm supposed to be the one comforting him, not the other way around.

"Draco," Harry whispers softly, reaching over to me and brushing the tears off of my cheek. I slap his hand away and try not to feel guilty. Harry looks shocked that I would do something so rude, but he shrugs it off and reaches for my hand. A little scared, because I don't want to hurt Harry like I would if the Ministry knew about us, I stand up and shove him away. "Draco!" Harry says, a little louder now and it is evident in his voice that I hurt him. But right now, I don't care. "What's the matter? I'm trying to help you!"

"It'd would help if you would leave me alone!" I shout, angry tears now streaming down my face. I don't bother brushing them away. "Why can't you see that I just want to be alone? This is your fault, all of it."

"My fault? This is all my fault, Malfoy?" Malfoy, I think, he hasn't called me that in a while now...only when he's upset or frustrated. I shake my head. "How is any of this my fault? Tell me, do you think I wrote to the Ministry and just said 'oh, while my boyfriends mother is visiting my boyfriend's father, you should just accidentally set dementors on them and oops, kill them? TELL ME HOW THIS IS MY FAULT MALFOY!" Harry explodes in anger.

This is it for me. I can't stand the thought of going with him, but he can. If he's with me, he'll die. "WE'RE OVER!" I shout, so loud that the whole train can probably hear us, "I'M DONE WITH YOU!"

A single tear escapes from Harry's eyes and I resist the urge to wipe it away and kiss him. I can't anymore, he's not mine. I have to be okay with it.

"What?" Harry whispers, "but Draco, I-" I turn away and reach up for my suitcase. As I close the door behind me, I hear just the faintest of murmurs "Draco, I love you."

I lean against the door to his compartment and murmur the words back, so quiet he won't know, "I love you, too."

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