Back In Session

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"Ugh," I groan inwardly as a bunch of fifth years shove past me. They sit themselves in the row behind me a snicker when Harry walks in the room. I turn my eyes away from his and study my Potions book instead. Harry sits down across the aisle from me and Hermione files in behind him. She meets my eyes and gives me a death glare, which causes the hairs on my back to stand on end. The fifth years behind me laugh harder and harder at me; it takes every ounce of strength inside me to not stand up and cast the Sectumsempra curse on them.

As I lose my last ounce of strength, Horace Slughorn {er, *professor* Horace Slughorn} walks into the room.

"Good afternoon class. I trust you have completed your homework and are ready to turn it in?" He grimaces expectantly at the students sitting in front of him. The class falls silent; the only noise in the room is the rustling of papers as each student passes their essays on the history of potion masters to the seats in front of them. Professor Slughorn gathers each stack of parchments and nods approvingly.

"Good, good. Now, today we are going to be working on Amortentia-"

"Sir?" Harry raises his hand. I blush and practically bore holes into my Potions book on the desk in front of me.

"Yes, Harry?" Slughorn grimaces.

"Well, we already worked on that, you see, and-"

"I'm the professor, Harry. I make the rules here. And besides, you weren't even here that day, were you? We're making this potion again so you can all realize exactly how precious and dangerous this potion can be." Professor Slughorn continues on to explain the ingredients and instructions on how to make the particular love potion.

I hurry over to the supply cabinet, my eyes lowered down to my feet, when I feel the robes of another sliding into me. "Oof!" a girl's voice says, followed by the loud clatter of a dropped cauldron.

"I'm so sorry," I stammer, turning to my side and helping up the girl. I pick up the dropped cauldron and hold it out to her.

"Oh it's okay!" The girl grins brightly. "I'm so clumsy sometimes!" She leans in closer to me, as if she were about to tell me a secret, "and by sometimes, I pretty much mean all the time." We both laugh and I smile at her.

"I'm Draco."

"I'm Becky." Becky grins back. "Becky Arncliffe. What's your last name, Draco?" She teases me.

"How many Draco's in the Wizarding World are there?" I reply, winking. Professor Slughorn walks over and clasps his hand on my shoulder.

"If you're done here, you could get started on your Amortentia potions..." He says in a distant voice. Becky and I both flush red and take our seats. On the way back, I catch Harry's eye.

Betrayed. Hurt. Disappointed. And so many other words. I quickly avert my eyes from his and sit down, a pang of guilt seeping through my entire being. I know I love him. I used to and I still do and nothing could change that.

I know it. But he doesn't.

"And maybe it would just be better that way." I mutter to myself as I start stirring up my potion.

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