Making Amends

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I looked down the crowded hallway and frowned. I found Becky right away, but that didn't make my task any easier. How was I supposed to tell her that I was interested in Harry? Deciding that the best way to start was to just jump right in, I walked up to her.
"Hey, Becky!" I said loudly.
"Draco!" She smiled at me. Becky wrapped her arms around my neck and squeezed. My stomach clenched.
"I have to tell you something..." I trailed off. Becky glanced worriedly at my face. Plucking up my courage, I continued, "I really don't think we're a good match."
"Why do you say that?" Becky stared at the floor, suddenly shy. I fake a laugh.
"I'm actually interested in..." I hesitate for a second, "guys. More importantly, I'm interested in Harry Potter. And he's interested in me back."
"Oh." Becky sounds tired. Or maybe she's just sad. "Well then, I guess I can't hold you back from true love." She turns to leave. I grab her wrist and apologize once more. Becky offers a sad smile to me and gives me one more hug. In my ear, she whispers, "Good-bye, Draco Malfoy." Then, she disappears into the crowd of students, leaving me to wonder what exactly I just lost.

I didn't have to wonder for long, because soon after Harry walked over to me. "Hey, Draco, how's your quidditch team coming along?" I sneer at him.
"Better than yours, Potter, and I do believe you know it."
Harry laughs for a moment. His green eyes sparkle in the sunlight of the courtyard. Then, his tone becomes more serious. "Did you talk to Becky?"
I slowly nod. "I told her about us."
"Oh." Harry manages. "Okay then.."
"Was I not supposed to?" I groan. "I'm sorry, Harry!"
"No, no! It's not a big deal. I just wasn't prepared for you to tell her about us right away." Harry grins a knowing grin. "Why would you tell someone that you're dating someone else when you're breaking up?"
"I didn't realize we were dating." I blush. Harry looks shocked.
"Oh, so I guess this-" Harry kisses me full on the lips. I sink into it, feeling the softness of his lips on mine. All too soon, the moment is over. "Is for nothing?" Harry finishes. His eyes search mine.
"I wouldn't say it's for nothing..." I trail off. "I don't believe I've told you this before but.." I lean over and whisper into Harry's ear, "I love you."
"I love you, too, Malfoy." And Harry's words are music to me. A song I keep repeating to myself as I make my way to the rest of my classes.

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