Midnight Meetings

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*Guys, I'm so sorry that it's been so long. I'll try to be better at writing, I promise*

I glanced at the door, running my fingers through my messed up hair. "Where is Hermione?" I angrily muttered, kicking the door to the school. "Ow!" I clenched my teeth and turned away. What am I thinking? Thinking I've gone off my rocker, I turn around. That's when I see him.

"Harry." Draco says, stepping towards me. I back up against the door. Draco steps closer and closer until there is no space between us. His hands are on either side of me, so I couldn't move even if I wanted to. That's when he cups my chin and leans down to kiss me. 

I think back to a romance novel Ginny told me about one time, where once the girl was kissed, it was like all her anger melted away. I didn't feel my anger melting away. It kept boiling up inside of me. Regaining my senses, I pushed Draco away.

"What are you doing?" I half hiss, half scream at him. "Are you insane? Did you forget that you have a girlfriend?" Now I'm yelling and I can't help it. I'm really mad at him. No, I'm more than mad. I'm the one who's insane. "I loved you Draco AND YOU WENT AND GOT YOURSELF A GIRLFRIEND!" 

Draco looks away, a single tear running down his cheek. I hold back my desire to kiss it away. "Harry, I-" 

"Don't call me that." I interrupt coldly. 

"I'm sorry. I meant to tell Becky that I was gay- but she misinterpreted. When I told her she was nice, she thought it meant that I was saying yes! I'll figure it out, I promise. Harry, it's always been you!" 

"No, it hasn't." I answer. I turn on my heels. "Good-bye, Draco." Then, I walk away, not even daring to look back, no matter how much I want to. I try not to think about the fact that I'm leaving the one person I've truly loved in the dark. I try not to think at all. I just have to get away. 

"Harry! Harry!" I hear Draco sobbing above the wind. I stop, knowing full well that he can see me. The tears rush out of me. I crumple onto the ground, holding my chest and full on crying. I stay in that position for a few minutes, before turning back to Draco. I run towards him.

When I reach Draco, I collapse into his arms and he collapses into mine. How can something wrong feel so right? I think to myself. I don't answer me though. There's no need to. 

"I really am sorry about Becky." Draco murmurs in my ear. "I never meant for it to happen. I'm going to fix everything. You'll see."

"Whatever, Draco." I laugh sadly. "What's done is done."

"No, I am going to fix it. We have to be together. It just is so right." 

"I know, Draco. Believe me, I know." I smile against Draco's chest, feeling his heartbeat against my cheek. With Draco's arms wrapped around my waist and his head on mine, I feel okay again. Maybe I really can forget about the pain he's put me through. It might take a while, but won't it be worth it?

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