Sunday Plans

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It's finally the weekend, and you know what that means! Malfoy and I take turns planning surprise dates on Sunday! There's a fair in my hometown this Sunday, and I decided that since it's my turn to plan the date, that's where we're going. "Will Draco approve?" I ask myself as I sit in The Great Lawn.

"Harry, what are you doing out here?" Hermione calls from a few feet away.

"Planning a romantic date between Draco and I," I answer. Hermione's eyes grow a teensy bit brighter.

"Really? Can I help?" she hurried over and plops onto the ground next to me.

"Sure," I reply, "so, I'm thinking of taking him to the fair in my hometown on Sunday."

"Fairs are muggle things," Hermione furrows her brow,"are you sure it's the best option?"

"I've been introducing him to all sorts of muggle things!" I protest, "and so far, he's loved them!"

"Alright," Hermione relents with a sigh. "The fair does seem like a pretty good date night idea. What has you concerned about it?

"Well, I just don't know how we'll get there, or if Draco will like all the rides."

"I'm sure that he'll love them. And you can get there via thestral. I'm sure Hagrid has a spare he's not using."

"Perfect!" I exclaim. "Thanks, Hermione!"

"No problem," Hermione says a little smugly, "planning dates is my specialty."

"Oh yeah?" I tease her, "how's it going with Ron?"

"We talk a lot, but I'm so busy with school that we don't see each other as often as I'd like."

"Oh. That sucks."

"Yeah." Hermione looks deflated and sad for a moment. Then, she cheers up. "But I'm so happy for you and Draco. I wish I could go along and hang out with you guys at the fair."

"Why don't you?" I ask, a new idea dawning on me.

"Because I don't want to interrupt your romance," Hermione laughs. I shrug.

"Don't be silly, you wouldn't interrupt anything. It'll be fun to have you along. I'm sure Draco would agree."

"I'd love to go, but you should ask Draco first." Hermione states. She still looks a little unsure about it. I agree with her, thank her for the help, and disappear to go find Draco. He's outside the Potions classroom when I finally find him.

"I have the perfect date idea!" I shout, a little over excitedly.

"Okay, okay, you don't have to yell!" Draco flinches.

"Right. Sorry." I tell him. I remember how Draco has slight PTSD and can't handle loud noises or fast motion. Maybe the fair isn't a great idea after all. I tell Draco all about the fair and how we would get there and how much fun we would have.

"Sounds cool to me," he agrees quickly.

"Awesome!" I hesitate, "would you be bothered if I invited Hermione to come, too?"

"Hmm," Draco taps his upper lip, "what's your reason?"

"Because she hasn't been able to see Ron in awhile, plus she's always doing some homework assignment, and I think it would be good for her to get out of school and do something fun and different for a change."

Draco giggles. Yes, he actually giggles. It's like a three year old girl! I told him that once and he just answered with, "but an adorable and lovable three year old girl," and I had to agree. In my defense, it is a pretty cute giggle! "I'm just teasing you. Of course Hermione can come." He turns back to the classroom. "I have to talk to Snape about some assignment that I messed up on. Talk to you later?"

"Quidditch pitch at 8. Be there." I reply. Draco leans in to give me a quick kiss on the forehead then turns and hurries into the Potions classroom.

Now I have to go find Hermione again. I hurry through the halls, trying to find any sign of her anywhere. "Is she still outside?" I mutter to myself after I've looked in the Gryffindor common room and didn't find her. I turn around to go outside when I bump into Ginny. It's been extremely awkward between us ever since Draco and I got back together.

"Hey, Harry." Ginny says, looking at the ground.

"Hi, Ginny," I answer, not looking at her either. "Uhh, have you seen Hermione?"

"Yeah, she's talking to Hagrid outside." Ginny mumbles.

"Thanks," I scratch the back of my neck. "See you around," I duck out of the common room and hurry down the stairs to the Great Lawn. "That was awkward."

I find Hermione underneath the whomping willow tree and hurry over to tell her that she can come along on our date night. Hermione looks really happy and excited about this, which makes me happy for her. She tells me that she can't wait for Sunday. I tell her that I feel the same way and walk with her back inside, sharing details about how school is going and talking about Sunday night plans. The more I talk to her about Draco, the more I fall in love with him. And the more I anticipate going to the fair with him.

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