Quidditch Captain

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"Harry, you're Quidditch captain. You have to figure out when you're gonna have practice." Professor McGongall said, not for the first time. Harry had been putting it off, along with his homework. His letters to Ron had been getting shorter and shorter. 

"What days are available?" Harry asked, deciding enough was enough. He had to hold tryouts, seeing as most of his teammates had been destroyed in the War of Hogwarts.

"Mondays and Fridays. At five o'clock." Professor McGonagall replied readily, as if she knew he would ask her. Actually, she probably did. 

"Alright, we'll take them." Harry said firmly. Professor McGonagall nodded, satisfied with her work. 

"Good. I'll post the tryout form in my classroom."

"And I'll put some flyers around the common room." Harry added. "Well, I should probably go make them now." He hurried off into the Gryffindor common rooms.

"Harry!" Draco whispered from a dark corner of the common room. 

"What are you doing here?" Harry whispered back, glancing around the room. It was fairly empty; only a few first years were inside doing homework. 

"I had to see you...before tonight. I want...can we...I mean...well," Draco stuttered, face glowing bright red.

"Well, come on now, spill it!" Harry's eyes laughed and an impatient smile flashed across his lips. That seemed to give Draco the courage he needed.

"Can we...hang around together? At school, I mean," Draco looked down. Harry laughed.

"Is that all? Well, of course we can. I mean...we are official, aren't we?" Harry stopped for a minute. He remembered all those nights on the Quidditch pitch, of course, and how good they were. But he didn't remember him and Draco ever discussing their relationship status. Draco blushed.

"Yeah, of course we are."

"Well, then. It's settled. Now, I need to finish these Quidditch flyers. We have tryouts on Monday, can you believe it?" Harry's eyes became all light and dreamy. "I can't wait to get back to playing again."

"Monday seems a little soon," Draco thought out loud.

"Not really. Most of these kids have been flying...well...since they got here. And besides, it's only Wednesday. They have plenty of time to get on the pitch and practice." Harry said firmly.

"Yeah..." Draco muttered, not really agreeing but not wanting to argue. "Well then, I'll let you get back to your work. I'll talk to you...later then?"

"Yeah, later." Harry replied, his voice far off and distant. Draco nodded and stood up to leave the common room. 

"Just be warned," Draco said before he left. "My Quidditch team is going to crush yours."

"No way, you're captain too?" Harry exclaimed happily. "That's exciting! We'll have to celebrate on Saturday in Hogsmeade. Just me and you."

"Sounds wonderful!" Draco agreed. "Well, now I'll be going. I have some homework to do anyway. I'll talk to you at dinner, Harry."

"Talk to you then, Draco." Draco's name left Harry's lips as if it were a secret that only he was allowed to know and see and cherish. And in a way, it was. 

The door closed behind Draco and Harry resumed his work, counting down the hours until he could see Draco at dinner. 

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