Another Note

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I read the note that Draco left me in my tie. I look up at him and meet his ocean blue gaze. Smiling, I find myself saying yes. Yes, I want to meet you again. Yes, I want to meet you every day. Yes, I want you for the rest of my life. Hermione sits down in a huff, her frizzy hair going wild. 

"Harry, what exactly happened last night?" Hermione asked me. I shrugged. 

"I went to bed. Later, I woke up and I had to go to the bathroom. I went back to bed. I don't see the problem here!" 

"You went to bed at 8:00?" Hermione's narrowing gaze settled on my face. 

"Well, I was tired." I protest. "But fine, you  don't believe me. Whatever. I have better things to do than waste my time with you two!" I stand up and storm out of the Great Hall. Hermione  stood up as well but didn't follow me out. Fine, just fine, I don't need her anyway. I have better things to do, like spend time with Draco. Draco. He was the only thought that kept me going throughout my day. He was my secret. All mine. I remember the softness of his lips on my own and smile. I hadn't even washed my face this morning for fear of washing him off of it. 

I slip into the Gryffindor Common Room, wanting to knock off some of the homework I had neglected the evening before. I realized, meeting with Draco every night meant my homework was most likely going to be put off. Hermione would not be happy with me. 

Oh, who cares what Hermione thinks anyway?  I frown. I do. No matter what happens between me and Draco, Hermione and I will always be friends. And Ron too. I pang of guilt washed over me. I almost got up to go down and apologize right then, but I made the mistake of checking the time and realized that it was time for my first class of the day, Divination. 

 I march into the Divination room and apologize straight away to Hermione. "Whatever, Harry," She says in acceptance. Then, Hermione glances towards the door. "I overheard Malfoy this morning after you left. He was talking about some fight he's picking with a kid at 8:00 tonight." Ron shrugs and a mischievous glint shines in his eye. "What are we gonna do about that, huh?" 

"We are going to ignore it." I say. "For once, Malfoy's not doing something to us. Just leave it alone." I may sound all cool and collected, but inside I'm shaking. Is he really picking a fight with someone tonight? Is that what he wants from me? 

No, it couldn't be. What we had last night was real. What I felt last night was real. I can only hope he feels the same way. 

Well, there's only one way to find out, and that is to be there at 8:00 tonight.

When the clock turns to 7:55, I slip out of the common room and down the steps with my invisibility cloak. I don't know why I brought it along. Maybe in case I was being followed by someone or something, I'm not sure. Anyway, I throw the cloak on over my robes and grip my wand in my hand. Nervously, I creep down the steps and out onto the Quidditch Pitch. Draco isn't there yet. I check my watch and see that it is only 7:58. He has two minutes to be here. 

Suddenly I felt two eyes boring into the back of my neck. Knowing that my instincts were usually right about this sort of stuff, I turned around. Nobody was there. All I saw was the darkness surrounding me. Sighing, I turned around to face Hogwarts again just in time to see Draco hurrying towards me. 

"Draco," I say, my breath catching in my throat. I smile a nervous smile; an anxious smile. 

"Harry," Draco replies, smiling his crooked smile. I wait for the perfect moment to just happen, like last night, but no sudden urge takes over me. I can tell that Draco feels the same way. He walks to me, slowly, carefully, as if stepping on glass. And in a way, he is, because what we have is fragile and easy to break, but beautiful at the same time. 

"Beating me up, huh?" I laugh a little, knowing that very well could be Draco's intentions tonight.

Draco grins. "Ha, yeah. I had to tell Crabbe and Goyle something to get away. Otherwise they would have followed me and-"

"And seen you with me." I finish for him. "This is a secret." Draco merely nods. "Okay." I say lamely, not knowing what else to talk about. 

Turns out, I don't need to have anything to say to Draco, because he knows it all just by looking at me. At that moment, his ocean-blue eyes look deep into my boring green eyes. I wonder what he sees there and what he's thinking right now. I know what I'm thinking. Just kiss him, my brain tells me. So I lean up and do what my brain wants.

Draco passionately kisses me back and time slows once more. Then, we break away and sit on the grass, still looking at each other. We sit and talk about our days, our future, our family and friends, the universe, and really just about life, magic. I tell him about the Muggles and about the Dursleys, and how I wish I could see my parents again. Draco tells me about his struggle between good and evil, and what he wants versus what his family wants. We hold each other's hands for some time, until I glance down at my watch and realize that it's already one in the morning and sleep is actually necessary for your body to function. 

"See you here again tomorrow, same place, same time." I whisper in Draco's ear as we part ways: Draco going down to the dungeon and me going to the Gryffindor Tower.

I fall asleep dreaming about Draco and I, together at last for everyone to see.

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