Day 2 (Nadja and Robbie)

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Robbie, completely unaware of whats coming, walks in to class, calm as can be, and sits down in his desk. He catches nervous glances towards him from Paul, and assumes it must be about how he forgot his homework. Robbie pulls it out, shows Paul, who, instead of looking relieved continues to look nervous. Just as he starts to wonder what this is about, the break bell rings, and Robbie runs outside to get to the Fußball court first.

Nadja, sensing something's wrong, looks over at Pia on the playground, whom is staring at Robbie with murder in her eyes. Quickly, realizing the danger Robbie is in, grabs Pia's attention, "Quick Pia! Over here!" Although reluctant, Pia comes over and sees what Nadja wants, who has just went back into the class. Pia follows her in, and Nadja, needing to protect Robbie, sets her plan into action. "Would you like a bite of my fresh strudel? It has extra Deutsch flavor!", Nadja asks Pia. Snatching away the strudel, Pia takes an enormous bite from the top. Chewing slowly, Pia's eyes jolt open, as she feels the poison kick in. She falls on to the floor, instantly dead, and knocks over the table behind her, spraying papers everywhere across the classroom. Knowing it was for the best, Nadja begins to walk out, but then she hears her name screamed at her from behind.

Paul, having walked in on Nadja and Pia's dead body, assumes Nadja killed her, and he instantly takes action. Grabbing the shotgun Pia had behind her, he aims it at Nadja, with a tear filled cry of, "DAS IST MEIN FREUND!", and blasts her to kingdom come. Not wanting to accept what's happened, Paul storms back outside, to escape the guilt of what he's done. Robbie notices him out of the corner of his eye, and is starts to see Paul, slowly walking towards him, eyes blank with no emotion. He sees something behind his back, and the instant he recognizes what it is, he sees a white flash, and realizes that his time has come. Collapsing in a heap on the floor, Robbie had no idea what Paul was doing, but only knew that he had forgotten to Guitare Spielen yesterday, with his last thoughts.

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