I Don't Believe - Prologue

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I always loved a beautiful Disney film where the princess is swept off her feet and saved from the evil witch or evil step mother. I was an addict to happily ever afters and the walking off into the sunsets.

When I was younger I was naïve enough to believe that everyone was a princess, I learnt the hard way when I was younger that I had no power over my fellow classmates, when my fellow classmate Aaron in Kindergarten didn't care about ladies first and shoved me off the swing and cut in line. It was then and there that there were no such things as castles and dragons. Though I still believed my prince was out there for me, I had to or what was the point of Disney? What was the point of growing up than?

As I grew older I grew to realize that although I would never to wear a crown and a beautiful ball gown whipped up by my fairy godmother I still believed at the least that in the end I would find that one person that would make me feel like a princess. I believed in it, in destiny, and I clung close to it my one true goal to find that prince charming and to fall in love and walk off into the sunset.

However I should have realised that it was impossible, that after all they were only movies. I should have realised that the first guy that said "I love you" didn't meant it, that the first guy to call me beautiful wasn't the one. I should have realised that in the end I wouldn't walk off into the sunset I'd just walk off. And in the end there'd be no chirping birds, magical music and a true loves kiss.

Cos I'm not a princess and this aint a fairytale.


As I said guys, my new story which will be uploaded every Sunday. What do we think of this? Sounds good? Excited?

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