I Don't Believe - Chp 6

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"A man is like a cat; chase him and he will run - Sit still and ignore him and he'll come purring at your feet” ~ Helen Rowland

“So who wants to do it?” Aaron waffled on, his voice seeming to be never ending and droning on and on until all his words and sounds muffled together, tying tightly like a metal linked chain that was indestructible.

I was in my media meeting during lunch and we were discussing our upcoming school magazine that we were to compile and release as we did once a fortnight. It wasn’t really the fact that it was lunch that had my head a million miles away. No, I had food right in front of me that I absentmindedly munched on half heartedly.

So why was I lost in out of space?

It was a predictable answer and yet just the thought of his name made me want to reach out and slap him across the face and than five seconds to kiss him senseless. Blake set things alight in me that I loathed and yet cherished. He bought these undeniable feelings through me that scared me senseless and only aggravated me more. I never knew anyone that could frustrate me to the point of considering murder to also be able to make me weak in the knees and ready to lunge and have my way with him. Which than only made me hate him even more for making me such a slut.

It had been just a little over a week since Blake had come to our school and in all honesty our relationship was like a dance. I avoided Blake like he was the black plague – and in a sense he was, since his disease had already taken a part of my heart and clung on tight – and Blake only did the utter opposite, popping up at the most random of times. I didn’t know what it was with Blake; whether it’d be he thought it was opposite day, or he just wanted to aggravate me ‘till the point that he was six feet under and I was in a prison cell for life due to murder.

Either way Blake was just always there. He didn’t live in my pocket, he drifted in and out, making a couple friends from the bad boy group and a couple other guys but nothing close. The rest he didn’t pay the slightest attention to and if they tried for his attention he enlightened them to how much of a jerk he could really be. The same couldn’t be said for the girls that fawned all over them, from my view he literally loved the way all girls fawned over him.

Yet he seemed to love just as much how I was the only girl – apart from his step sister – that wasn’t fawning off him. In fact it seemed the fact that I looked at him like a walking sexual disease and practically hid behind corners from him had him even more focused on me. no matter what, he’d be there at times pushing buttons and taunting me and I’d keep my strong façade and pushed him away acting as if he was the dirt under my shoe and I didn’t give a crap even if he decided to stand in the middle of the highway on peak hour. He got a kick out of it and it didn’t take me long to realize that it was the chase he adored, like any player the chase to them was the best part.

I had bad news for the kid, I had already too much of a head start and he wasn’t going to catch up or win. Every single inch of my body was focused on keeping him at bay and away from me, because no matter what his presences and taunting words did to me I didn’t want that man anywhere near my panties let alone his little man.

I’d after all learned the hard way of what it was like to be just some girl to be tossed aside and broken no matter how long the chase lasted and the captive part also lasted. So matter what I wasn’t letting myself to become caught to be held captive to only be broken. Because I honestly didn’t think I could last another beating.

“Bailey will do it!” Callie interrupted cheerfully, her sugar rush still going like a twenty four hour candy store. She just never stopped smiling, laughing, babbling and just living. She was wild, quirky and in all honesty the best person to go out with when you just wanted to forget.

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