I Don't Believe - Chp 5

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“Whoever wishes to keep a secret must hide the fact that he possesses one.” ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Walking to school was like being stuck inside a virtual game that was centered in the middle of hell.

By the end of walking onto the school grounds my back was hunched and shrunken in on myself, looking like Quasimodo. The hair on my skin, especially my neck, were raised and my body tingled, tensed as if ready for someone to literally to pounce on top of me, as if I was being hunted.

In a sense I was being hunted, the entire time walking to school Charley was a livid fuming beast that in all honesty reminded me of the devil, her face was bunched up, her eyes narrowed and sharp and her entire form shook and trembled with rage, her body – especially her face – a crimson. I was waiting for her to suddenly grow a set of devil horns or to have steam to break through her ears.

Either one would have been comical to lighten the mood.

As Charley persisted me to tell her what happened – even though I relented – or just openly bitched about Tyler and what she would do to him, I could feel Blake’s gaze on the back of my head the entire time, watching. I think that’s what freaked me out the most about Blake – beside the dangerous feelings he spurs within me – he was more so the silent figure that sits back and perceives everything from a distance, his sharp eyes could pick up on anything and when he spoke you knew he was going to either turn you into a pile of goo or would be bluntly honest and right. Or worse; both could happen.

Nevertheless I kept my mouth shut the entire time to school and by the time I walked into the school yards I was ever so tempted to throw myself onto its payment and kiss the living daylights out of the cold cement. I wanted to do a fancy leap and spin – something of the likes of Broadway – and sing hallelujah and maybe along the way laugh and point in Charley’s and even Blake’s face smugly and cheekily.

Instead though I kept my head down and tried to sneakily go my separate way to the two painful people that were trying to bring up unwanted focus and memories.

However luck wasn’t on my side as she snagged my elbow “Hold it, where are you going missy? You have to come with me to tow the moron over here to the office to get his timetable and all that other crap.” Charley said halting me, unfortunately.

I sighed exasperated “Why does he need our help? He’s a big boy, it’s not that hard to find, I mean it has the words office in big letters and everything. You can read….right?” I asked turning to look at him with a raised brow.

Blake’s smile only grew, that smug grin never leaving his face “I can read perfectly fine my bella.”

I rolled my eyes “Yeah, says the kid that can’t even pronounce my own name right.” I snorted under my breath turning back around.

“I heard that.” He pointed out, amusement in his voice.

I shrugged indifferently.

Charley sighed exasperated also “Look you two stop acting like five year olds. I didn’t think it was necessary to hold Blake’s hand either, but Dave told me specifically to take Blake there and also roll call or he’d just ditch school for the day and as many more days as possible.” She said, shooting Blake a pointed glance.

“I’m not holding your hand, you have cooties. Our little bella on the other hand….” He trailed off wriggling his eyebrows at me.

I rolled my eyes making him chuckle, Charley though wasn’t as amused as she threw her hands up in the hand “It’s like you can’t even hear me!” she cried disgruntled.

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