I Don't Believe - Chp 9

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“A love song is just a caress set to music.” ~ Sigmund Romberg

It was Saturday night and I was out on the town with my friends, Charley had pulled the plug after declaring she was going out with Courtney a girl she did sports and so with, I also was pretty damn sure that whilst she was with Courtney she’d be meeting that so called dream guy she had been gushing about.

I was glad to be going out though with my journalist friends, Angel, Callie and Aaron, we were out having fun with those guys they made everything just so much fun and relaxed, I didn’t have to worry about literally anything and yet I could still feel so safe because they were like my bodyguards. I didn’t know if it was because I simply was a tiny short thing or because they were simply protective that was a massive lightweight, but either way they kept a close eye on me.

I had changed and got ready at Callie’s house with Angel were they had dubbed me and forced me literally into a deep mauve purple dress, it suck in tightly around my chest and bust, my breasts from Angel ready to jump out since I filled them out nicely. It sucked into ‘till my waist and then it spilled out into a bob and stopped just above halfway at my knees. I had then heightened myself – sneakily – with a pair of thick black heels with a high heel that curled and snaked up with thick straps and buckles up and around my ankle. I straightened my usually wild curly hair and added a row of bangles and huge hoop earrings to my ear. I added my usual party makeup of smoky eyes and bright pink lips that always left me feeling flirty and confident, especially once drunk.

That was how we had arrived at the first club, the girls beside me in their won stunning masterpieces and I couldn’t help but feel confident with them at my side. Aaron met us in there and soon the sway of the beat, the hypnotizing lights and the heady addictive beat that reverberated throughout the walls and floor pulled us in and under.

Our town’s party system was quite well, it was almost like a pub crawl; you’d start off at one place and work your way down. Some nights when it’s pretty quiet or the total opposite you kept to the one place which was the best or where you weren’t getting shoved down and barreled over. Tonight we had drifted in and out of two of the clubs and back and forth, before staying at the best one after lock in time which was one, once it hit one no more people could get in and the bouncers at the door took no more entries.

The night was utterly and completely amazing, Callie and I had danced like crazy her exciting normal buzz only lifting higher with the alcohol consumed, I with one sip was rocket high and was just more excited if not more keyed up than her. When I wasn’t dancing with Callie on the dance floor and letting loose to the hypnotizing beat I was with Aaron mingling with people we knew, convincing and teaching him to dance or sitting at the bar and having some drinks as he looked over us, especially me.

Finally though and the majority of the time though I was with Angel playing her wing man, or as I cried lots of times in my happy state wing women. Being Angel’s wing women was so much fun, the things I’d have to do or say, usually though I’d just have to stand there and looked interested – which was easy when I was drunk – and to keep the other guy with the guy – or guys – Angel was keen on entertained or be an awful back up if he turned freaky or such and help her escape. Sometimes was just pure entertainment watching Angel tease and taunt some poor guy, leading him on than running at the last moment, I had to admit, watching a guy go down in flames was hilarious and a nice change.

I wasn’t one that partied hard and constantly but when I do I loved it, enriched in dancing my heart out and laughing and drinking happily. I wasn’t lying when I had warned my friends some time ago that I was a lightweight, I could have just a simple taste and I was with wide eyes and squealing around purely like some school girl, I got really happy and confident like any drunk and I didn’t become too disgusted when a guy hit on me, so instead of punching them out like I’d do any other time I’d simply tease them like Angel before watching them go down helplessly. Sometimes it ruled having the advantage of using your womanly powers.

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