I Don't Believe - Chp 7

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“Apology is a lovely perfume; it can transform the clumsiest moment into a gracious gift.” ~ Margaret Lee Runbeck

It didn’t take as long as I thought with pulling myself together in the girl’s bathroom, a part of me thought that being wounded by a male once again I’d be a wreck and sobbing mess. However I wasn’t and that simply was because I hadn’t let myself come undone to my full potential, I simply wouldn’t let myself completely crack.

Pulling myself together with a couple deep breaths as I leant over a sink in the toilets I glanced up in the mirror just to make sure my eyes weren’t some red raw mess that stuck out so easily and vibrantly. I checked my faced, dabbing my face with some water to cool and lighten my tense and tight feeling face. Taking a couple more deep breaths I looked myself in the eyes, just simply staring.

I knew that this was a good thing, a great thing if anything for what had just happened. Blake’s words had only infuriated me more, filling me with red hot rage and disgust. He had utterly no right or clue to claim he knew everything and to talk down to be so patronizingly and it only made me more agitated and frustrated by him. It was perfect in a crude way; his actions only made me dislike him and make him more infuriating which made me avoiding him and not growing soft for him ten times easier.

He had in a twisted way done a favor for me.

Pulling myself together and sighing softly I made my way out of the girl toilets and back down to our media room praying and hoping with every part of my body that he wasn’t there. I had killed enough time in there to be sure he wouldn’t be still there. Yet I already knew he wouldn’t be in there, why would he actually want to be there still? He had gotten under my skin just like he wanted to do so for all I knew he probably had skipped out on school now.

“Oh, it’s only you.” My voice filled with utter relief as I stepped through the room to fine Aaron in there in his seat with his feet up on the table, resting back in the chair as he tapped his pen along to an imaginary beat on his knee cap, looking so relax and placid that it made me smile.

Aaron smiled at me “Fearing of someone else were you?”

I blushed faintly looking away “No.” I sulked resisting the urge to fold my arms and pout.

Aaron sighed heavily “What happened?” he murmured gently, curiously.

I sighed throwing myself roughly in a chair at the small table “Nothing happened, he’s just a jerk.” I grunted.

“Well that jerk I had to basically shove out of this room to get him to leave. Do you want to tell me why he was so against leaving this room without apologizing to you?” he asked softly, raising a brow.

I frowned at him “You’re lying.” I stated simply.

He raised a brow “You don’t think he sat in that very chair,” he said nodding to my seat “and refused to leave until you came back so you two could talk?”

I snorted “I don’t believe the kid knows what an apology is.”

Aaron’s lips tugged into a smile before he sighed heavily “Look, I don’t know about you but this here” he began holding up a piece of paper before sliding it over to me “isn’t the best material you’ve written.”

I looked down at the piece of paper, a mortified blush creeping up along my cheeks and face at the sight of the mock interview I had just done with Blake before. My words raced all over the words, reading all the things I had said, true but crude words. A mix of sheepishness, shame and laughter drifted throughout my entire body reading over the words and my messy aggravated scrawl.

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