Chapter 12

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Luff you all😘 read onnnn


Chapter 12

Maddie's POV

We all sat on the couches and the ground which was covered in a bunch of blankets and pillows. Louis and I took the couch while Niall, Harry , and Zayn took the ground. The boys had done a good job setting up for our movie night which I was excited for.

I just realized that we had forgot popcorn. I stood up suddenly and the boy's heads turned sharply to me.

"You forgot popcorn I'm going to go get some," I say while I smile sweetly at them. They return the smile and nod their heads.

I walk toward the kitchen and start to shift around the cupboards until I found the popcorn. But wait that's not the problem it was on the top cupboard which I barely managed to get open. I hop on the counter and grab two big bags. I turn around but lose footing which I have no idea how I did but started tumbling to the kitchen floor.

I close my eyes and hold my hands out to attempt to catch myself but a pair of strong arms catch me. I let out a gasp and slowly open my eyes. My baby blue eyes are caught in the swirling pools of Harry's green eyes. We just stared into each other eyes when I stupidly say.

"Your eyes are pretty." I mentally face palm myself. What the hell I probably sound stupid. He starts chuckling and gives me a big smile.

"Thanks so do you." I blush given I don't usually get compliments. I look at the ground and realize I'm still in Harry's arms. I jump out of his arms and push a piece if stray hair out of my face.

I look up and see Harry staring at me. I spin around and grab the bags off the floor. While I put the bags into the microwave I tell Harry softly.

"Thank you."

"It's no problem luckily I was here." I hear him say while getting bowls down. I was actually happy he was there at that moment. Why wasn't I paying attention to my surroundings. That was stupid on my part.

The buzzer rings signaling the popcorn was ready. I silently get the bags that were steaming hot. Harry grabs the bags them from me and empties it into the big bowls and accidentally burns himself.

He lets out a girly shriek. I giggle as he runs to the sink to wash his hand.

"Good job." I give him a thumbs up and laugh. He gives me a stern look but ends up looking completely adorable and laughs. I put salt and butter in the bowl full of wonderful food.

Me and Harry bring the bowls in and I return to my spot next to Louis. Me and him get a bowl and the others get the rest. We start the movie and walk silently. I watch anxiously and wait for scary parts.

I glance over at Louis who looks frightened. He has wide eyes and keeps glancing around the room. I throw a piece of popcorn at him.

He turns his head to look at me and smiles. He grabs the piece that hit him and throws it into his mouth. I throw another one and it ends up hitting the corner of his mouth. He gives me a pouty face and I giggle. He throws one at me and I catch it right in my mouth. I clap my hands excitedly and stick my tongue at him. He flips me off as I just laugh.

This continues for a while until we both give up and watch the movie. The scary part comes up and everyone else jumps except me. I look at Louis and see him shaking. I feel bad for him so I come up with a way to calm him down.

I reach over and wrap my arms around his waist and pull him closer. He tenses up but then relaxes by putting his arms around me. I look up too see his big blue eyes in my own. His eyes looked like mine but his were more beautiful. His facial feature were breathtaking. Making my own self with lose of all words. He had his brown hair quaffed up in a messy way which was sexy. His perfectly chiseled face with prominent jaw. His facial hair made him even more beautiful.

I stared at him a while and then he grinned which means he saw me check him out. I glance down and blush profusely. His hand hooked under my face and my head was lifted up to meet his face. He held me there a bit before speaking.

The other boys had fallen asleep and the credits were rolling.

"You're beautiful." He sends me a big smile. I look up in awe at this perfect boy telling me this. I'm not beautiful even though my body in my mind is pretty good I don't think I'm as pretty as everyone says.

"No I'm not." I look down and fiddle with my bracelets that decorate and cover my scars on my wrist. I then realize Louis noticed this. He grabs my arm before I can protest and I sharply pull my arm out of his grip. He looks surprised and a bit hurt. I then give in and give it back to him expected an ugly look on his face.

He starts untying the bracelets and he looks down at the scars and then back at me with a sad look on his face. My eyes welled up wiht tears but i wouldn't let them fall not in front Louis. I looked down full of shame. They were embarrassing.

I look up at his waiting for him to say something but he does something that surprises me. He brings my wrist slowly up to his face and gently places his lips on the scars. He kisses almost every one of them. I have my mouth open as he continues his sweet gesture.

No one has ever treated me this gently before. I am thankful for all that these boys have done for me so far. I feel happy and accepted for once in my life.

"Even if you think these make you any less beautiful then you already are then you are mistaken. They make you more beautiful and shows everyone how strong of a girl you. If no one can realize your beauty they are blind. I have never seen any one as strong as you. You have been through so much and are still here which proves it. You don't need to be ashamed of this. They aren't ugly and you aren't either. Whenever you feel like doing this again think of me and how I don't want you to do this to yourself." He finishes his speech with a small smile.

My eyes are at the breaking point. No one has said any of that to me and it makes me feel wanted and appreciated. I loved hearing those words coming from his mouth. It made me fell amazing.

I couldn't hold them and I started crying. ME CRYING! Shocking I know but he made me so happy. He wraps his arms more tightly around me. I unhook his hands and cautiously step over and straddle his waist my knees on either side. I lean in and leave a soft kiss on his cheek. I bury my head my in the neck and cry. He holds me in his arms until sleep overcomes me and I drift to sleep.

Louis' POV

I stare at the beautiful girl sleeping in my lap. Soft snores coming from her lips. She kissed me on the cheek which means I may have a chance with her. I am really starting to have feelings for her. What's not to like? I'm pretty sure Harry and Niall may have feeling for her so I have to act fast but I also have to go slow for Maddie.

I may have a chance.


I drift into thought for a bit but then I go into a deep sleep with this broken yet breath taking girl on my lap.

Niall's POV

*before during movie

Me and the lads were focused on the movie and I always glance back to see what Maddie and Louis are doing. I caught them throwing popcorn at each other and laughing. She looked happy and I wish I was the one making her smile. I never get the girl.

Towards the end they were cuddling. UGH. I don't want to admit but I am jealous of Louis at the moment. They think we are asleep but I was are fully watching them. They talked and he kissed her wrist and she cried. It made me wonder what going on. She straddled him and kissed his cheek and they fell asleep shortly after.

I fell asleep feeling shitty.


I tried to make it extra long for you guys:)

Thanks of 2.1k it means so much to the both of us!

I'll try and update every Saturday or Sunday because of school! I'm busy cuz of soccer.

Wish me luck tomorrow?:)





Fun fact about Nikki #1

I live in a small town and reallllllllyyyyyyy short like seriously 4'9 and I'm almost 14 crap I better grow. My bday is Thursday. yippee


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