Chapter 3

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Heyyo:) like 14 reads I didn't think I'd get 2 but thanks for reading:)


Chapter 3

~Harry's POV~

Once we had finally arrived at the gym we piled out of the car. The gym was a decent size. It was white and blue with two big double doors. There was barely any cars in the lot hopefully no teenage girls. I don't feel like getting mobbed even though I love our fans dearly.

We all gave each other looks and started walking towards the door. We walked in and was hit with a wave of cold air. I shivered slightly and pulled my sweatshirt closer to my body. We saw Grace and John which was our main managers.

They make their way over to us. We nod towards them and they began to speak.

"She will be out soon and you can see her in action. She is quite amazing," Grace tells us with a small smile.

"She is very fragile too but very strong so kindly be gentle with her until you get to know her,"John says.

"What can you tell us about her?" I want to know more so I hope they can tell us something.

"Well her name is Maddie Parker. She is 18 years old. 3 years in the witness protection program." Wow. "We won't tell you much she will tell you on her own but she is very impressive." Grace adds.

All of us boys smile and nod. We give each other looks translating on the lines of "We hope she's hot". Louis and Zayn are single now but Liam is happily dating Danielle who is lovely.

We walk further in and come to a big glass wall. Inside they are a bunch a exercise machines and people working out around. There was a big huge mat in the middle. Like boxing one?

Suddenly the door leading to the women's locker room opened and a beautiful girl walked out. My mouth slightly a gaped as I looked down her body. She was fit and gorgeous. She had long blonde hair in a high ponytail. She had baby blue eyes and small flecks of freckles on her. A small button nose and soft pink lips. Wearing a gray sports bra and tight black booty shorts which I was a fan of. She had curves in all the right places. She was hot.

I looked over at the boys and they had the same expression as me. There mouths a gaped and eyes wide. As if on cue they looked up and each other.

"Shit she's gorgeous," Louis said with a wolf whistle. He smirked real big.

"Yeah she is look at her!!" Niall exclaimed while pointing at her excitedly.

"She's beautiful," Zayn says with a big smile.

"Keep it in your pants guys," Liam said while laughing.

We all smiled still staring at her. Grace claps her hands to get our attention.

"That's Maddie," Grace explains. My eyes go wide. Wait WHATT.

"That hot girl is our new bodyguard," I question. She is petite and I don't know if she can handle all the pressure. I raise an eyebrow as I look over at her.

"Yes, and be respectful,"She says walking away slowly.

"Wow I don't know what to expect from her," Niall says laughing.

"Hopefully good she is a beaut," Louis says smiling.

We see her walk over to a guy. They start talking and she smirks. Then out of no where throws a punch right into the guys face. He was clearly not ready for this and stumbled back almost falling.

My eyes bulge out and the boys are just as surprised as me.

"Fuck,"Zayn curses while looking back at her.

As I look back I see the guy get back and swing one at her clearly not going easy. She dodges it and tucks and rolls behind him and kicks him in the back making him fall forward. Two big guys grab her arms. She does not look surprised at all. She grabs both her legs pulls forward and kicks them both in their balls.

They let go off her giving her enough time to grab them by their arms and flip them over. They fall and she gives them each a hard punch to the face. She stands up with sweat coming from her forehead. She smiles and grabs some water to drink.

She looks up and meets my eyes. She looks confused but quickly smiles sending me a beautiful smile. She walks away into the locker room as we wait for her to return.

~Maddie's POV~

Once I defeat them which was pretty exhilarating and I was real proud of myself. It helps me release some anger. I reach down and grab my water bottle and down almost half the bottle.

I gaze up and see some startling green eyes watching me through the glass. I look around and see the rest of One Direction standing also eyeing me. I'm confused. I thought I was seeing them tomorrow. Maybe change of plans. I quickly recover and flash a big smile towards them. They smile back and I walk to the locker room.

I bring my hair out of the pony and comb it out. My blonde hair comes out and falls onto to the shoulders all the way down to the bottom of my chest. I never wear makeup it doesn't feel right on me. I throw on the clothes from before. See I don't have many clothes. I throw my bag over my shoulder lock the locker and step out.

I walk over to the viewing room and see the boys there. When they see me they stand up. They are all very handsome. I flash them a smirk and a small wave.

"Hello One Direction My name is Maddie."


Sorry it's not very long but I tried.

I would write more if I had more reads butttt I don't lol:p

Share with yo shattiesss<<333



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