Chapter 9

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This chapter is dedicated to the Larry Shippers who lost their lives.

R.I.P. ♥ 😥


Maddie's POV

I trudged back to the other boys so much guilt heavily weighing down on me. I could feel Harry watching me as I had stumbled out of the pond,his gaze burning a hole through my heart. I couldn't let him kiss me though. I loved the boys but not in that way and I had only just gotten this job so I can't afford or bargain with risk to lose it. Plus the last boy I think I loved was Nick. I don't really know what love is. I've never truly felt it so I'm still not quite certain that what I had with Nick was love but the in the relationship we had I was certain we had a bond. The boys studiously watched me from where they were sitting,confused expressions clearly showing on their faces. When I finally reached them I plopped down quickly making haste to shove a piece of pizza in my mouth before they could get a chance to question me."What happened love?" Liam asked me as I stared at my piece of pizza,not looking up at him.I took my time chewing the pizza but I knew there was no escaping this question. I just shrugged. "Nothing." I said still looking at the pizza as if it's exterior fascinated me. "I just got a bit cold that's all I knew Liam wouldn't believe me but he questioned me no further,turning back to Zayn talking about their upcoming tour. On a normal day this kind of thing would have given me shivers I would have been so excited but at that moment I could care less about the tour.

I stole a quick glance up at Harry who was now slowly making his way back to us. He caught my eye and I quickly looked down again taking another bite of my pizza. I felt like I've known these boys all my life,but that didn't mean I was ready to spill to them about Nick. He was my secret and one I was determined to keep. They aren't going to find out about him till I'm ready. We finish our lunch and start animality talking amongst ourselves Harry a bit out of it. I feel kind of guilty pushing him away but I wasn't ready. I just met them and still don't know a lot about them.

I see Louis walking over by the edge leaning over to scope out how deep it was. I sneak up behind him with him not knowing I am there. I reach him and shove him with all the strength I have and he stumbled hanging over the edge for a mere second with a surprised look on his far before tumbling into the water. The boys start uncontrollably laughing as he comes up gasping for air and thrashing around. He looks around and sees me with a guilty look on my face.

"What the hell." He shouts with a big frown on his face. Oh god he looks pissed at me. "U-uh I-I," I stumble on my words not sure what to say. I didn't mean to make him mad. He then gives me a big smile showing that he was only joking. Oh no he didn't. I stare at him wide eyed and my mouth wide open. He shrugs his shoulders and turns around to swim away. He is not getting away that easy.

"You fucking idiot." I scream as I leap from the edge and on top of Louis who was just as surprised as the other boys are. He lets out a girly scream and thrashes around. I wrap my legs around his waist and hold his arms behind his own back. He stops struggling and I push him away with a laugh.

"That's what you get for making me think you were angry at me."

"Oh you couldn't live could you knowing I was angry at you?" "You need me he said."

"Oh you're right." "I couldn't live with myself if I can never do this to you." I said sending a splash his way.

"That's it." He said and suddenly started swimming furiously in my direction. "Someone needs a Louis kiss!"

I just giggled and started swimming in the opposite direction. I mean he was only joking around right? I could feel him getting closer and suddenly a hand grabbed my leg.

Louis started doing the Jaws theme song and started pulling me towards the shore. I squealed in hysterics as he dragged me up the small slope.

"Tell me Mr. Tomlinson." I said in between breaths. "Since when can sharks go onto shore?" I said as I rolled onto my back smiling up at him.

Some of the water from his hair was dripping on my face but I just enjoyed how it cooled me off in the sun.

He bent over me and got on his knees bending his head so that our noses were barely touching.

We were both breathing heavily and we just kind of stayed that way for a while.

"Now you're my prisoner." He said softly without taking his eyes away from mine. "I'll give you ten seconds to run."

I sat up quickly and started sprinting towards the trees on the outskirts of the pond.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 654321!"

Louis shouted out the last numbers quickly so I figured running was useless I'd just tire. I settled on the idea of just hiding. I found a tree that was large enough to hide me but also gave me breathing room so I wouldn't have to scrunch myself.

I heard Louis treading noisily through the leaves. Damn that kid was loud. I held my breath trying not to giggle as he passed by my tree only maybe fifteen feet away. Even though I covered my mouth, I was still breathing heavily from sprinting. By now we were far out of sight of the other boys and I was almost glad to have the privacy. His loud footstops continued until they stopped right on the opposite side of my tree. He started making exaggerated sniffs as if he were an animal sniffing me out.

That was too much for me. I burst out laughing.

"Aha!" he screeched lunging for me, but he wasn't fast enough for I had already bolted.

Now don't get me wrong I'm in very good shape but I do boxing not soccer like the loon does so he easily caught up to me. I was still laughing as I felt him wrap his arms around me from behind me and like a sack I was slung over his shoulder. I started laughing again pounding on his back but not too hard. I just let myself be the victim because come on,we all know I could have flipped that kid and gotten away if I wanted to.

"You sound like an elephant." I said still breathing heavily between little giggles.

He chuckled. "Then you're my peanut." He said placing me down on my back than crossing his eyes.

"Oh god, Louis don't tell me you have mad cow disease." I said grinning.

"In fact I do." He said seriously. He started talking like a scientist. "In fact the disease is so contagious that whoever the victim tickles will most certainly catch it." "Bwahahahaha!"

I giggled and he started to bend over.

"No Lou you wouldn't dare." I said laughing again. "You better not."

But he did. He practically leapt on me until I was rolling back and forth on the ground screaming my head off in laughter. Yes, I'm probably the most ticklish person ever but hey, I actually find being tickled enjoyable.

Finally he stopped and looked up sniffing really heavily again. I sat up as well my arms resting behind me.

"What is it Dr. Lou?" I asked.

"Spies." He said quietly.

"Spies?" I asked.

"Maddie I need you to run as quietly as you can."

"Now." His face had gone from amused to completely serious.

Without asking I started to run but it was too late for I could already here the cameras flashing.


Alright so on behalf of me and Nikki this chapter came a bit early. As most of you know on August 15, 2013 Twitter blew up about a documentary that portrayed Directioners who did not make up the majority as most are sweet not crazy. So this chapter is dedicated to all the Larry Shipper who have recently lost their lives. We love you and we love them.

♥ R.I.P.

~Nikki & Dani

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