Chapter 2: Carter

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I was deep into tumbler quotes and Dan and Phil memes when there was a small knock on my door.

"Come in." I said loud enough for Carter to hear me, while sitting up. "Hey." He said opening the door. "Uh, hey." I said a bit more quieter then before, still not used to this living situation.

"I'm going to get something to eat since theres no food in the house yet and I was wondering if you wanted anything."

I shook my head. "I'm not that hungry." I lied.  "Alright, just wondering." He smiled and walked out shutting my door behind him. I laid back down and long onto Facebook when I realize the amount of notification I had.

It was on a post I made before I left earlier, it read  'Moving today, boarding school here I come'

The comments I got were horrible. To sum it up, it was just a bunch of people telling me to kill myself. You know, the usual. 

My heart began to beat faster and faster and my chest was starting to feel like someone was dropping weights on it.

I stood up and grabbed my bag that was right next to my bed. Sobbing and shaking, I tried look through it to find my medication. After getting to annoyed I dumped everything out of the bag and onto my bed. I grabbed the small orang bottle and opened it as fast as I could while shaking. I dumped a pill onto my hand and took it.

I sat on the floor against the bed and started to calm down a bit. I wasn't shaking as much and I could breath a little normal.

I heard the front door open and someone walk inside. Knowing it was Carter, I got up and went to bathroom to wash my face.

I leaned against the counter and looked into the mirror, seeing my eyes red and puffy. I looked down at the sink and let a tear fall. I took a deep breath and turn the sink on. Cupping my hands under the hot water, I splashed it on my face. I grabbed a face cloth and patted my face dry.

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen where Carter was sitting at the island. "Hey Maddie." He said smiling and taking a bite from his chipotle. I smiled back and got a water bottle from the case my mom bought for us.

"So tonight I was thinking that maybe we could hang out or something so we can get to know each other more." He said. I just smiled and nodded my head.


Its was about 8 pm and I was sitting in my bed on youtube watching some random video when Carter walked into my room.

"Knock much?" I asked closing my laptop. He smiled. "Sorry about that, but come here I need to show you something." He said excited.

I got up and followed him down stairs and stopped at the bottom when I saw what he had created. "Wow." I said in shock. "Yeah come one let me show you the inside." He said crawling into a large fort made out of blankets.

I crawled in after him and a huge dome like shape was held up in the middle.

"You like it?" Carter asked sitting on a pillow I smiled and nodded my head looking around the fort. "Where did you get all theses blankets?" "I brought them with me in case of a fort emergency." He said. I giggled and leaned on a pillow.

"Okay so what we're going to do is get to know each other, so we can tell our life story's or something." Carter explained. "Alright you go first." I said with a little smile. "Okay you ready?" he asked smiling. I nodded my head.

"Well, I was born in North Carolina. I move here to California when I was about 12. Its been just me and my mom for a while. I didn't have that many friends in school. I was like the loner kid till I meet my best friends, Matt and Shawn in the 7th grade." He began to explain.

"They're also at this school by the way. My grades weren't that good in middle school so my mom signed me up for this school for some reason thinking it'd be better for me and now I'm here." He said throwing his arms up.

"Okay, Now you go." He said smiling at me.

"Well okay where do I start?" I asked rhetorically. "At the beginning." Carter said. I nodded my head. "Well, I was born here in California. It was me my mom and my dad for a while till my dad died when I was about ten. My mom meet this guy awhile after and she found out she was pregnant with my little sister about a months after they meet and he left us.

Growing up I had two best friends, Jake and Gabby, but we uh, grew apart
In like the 6th grade. I haven't really made many friends since then. My mom found out and sent me here thinking it would opened me up." I didn't tell him the full story because I knew he would either pity me or make fun of me.

We were both silent for a moment before Carter broke the awkwardness. "Lets play 20 questions." He said. I chuckles and nodded. "Okay how old are you?" He asked. "15. How about you?" "15 as well. Okay favorite color?"

I thought for a second. "Black. What your favorite candy?" "Swedish fish." I smiled and nodded my head.

This is what we did for the next 3 hours. We also told some story's about our lives, and when we were little. It was starting to get late when we finished. "I'm gonna head to bed" Carter said yawning. We both crawled out of the fort and went upstairs.

I took a shower and washed the long day away.

HELLO. This chapter is a little short I know and I'm sorry. I'll post another part tomorrow or latter I don't know yet.

Words (Magcon fanfic) *Rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now