Dream or Reality

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I was awoken the next morning by a loud pounding noise coming from downstairs. I sat straight up in bed alone, did I dream Derek came home? I questioned myself. The pounding noise sounded again reminding me why I was awake. I got out of bed and threw my robe on and tied it in the front closing it. I looked at the clock on my nightstand that read nine am. Who the crap is beating on my door at this hour? I thought to myself. I went downstairs and looked through the peephole and rolled my eyes, opening the door "Stiles what the hell are you doing pounding on my door at nine am?" I asked my idiot brother, "Well you weren't answering your phone so I got worried," he said coming in the house.

 "That's because I was sleeping you dumb-ass" I nearly shouted, heading up the stairs with Stiles on my trail. "Yeah, sorry about that" he said in a tone that made me believe he was less than sorry. I rolled my eyes walking back in my room to get clothes out to put on. "Stiles have you seen or heard from Derek?" I asked him still wondering if I dreamed up last night. "No and I went by his house this morning and it still looked as if did when he left" he said. "I must have dreamed up last night, but it felt so real" I said out loud not meaning to. "Dreamed up what?" Stiles asked. Swallowing hard so I could answer my brother without crying. "I dreamed that Derek came home last night, but it felt so real," I said to him.  

"Awe sis you just miss him real bad is all your brain can play tricks on you, ya know" Stiles said. By this time I was standing in front of the empty dresser that was meant for Derek when he came home. I slammed my hands down on top of it turning to my brother "Don't you think I know that Stiles, Don't you think I know what the mind is capable of? I just want him to come home!!" I screamed at Stiles this time I was crying, full on sobbing. "Belle, he'll come home you know that" Stiles said to me "Really Stiles how do I know for sure? How do you know for sure? what if he never comes home, I can't loos him after getting him finally" I fell to my knees, I was sobbing so hard that I couldn't take any deep breaths in and it was making it hard for me to breath and I'm guessing Stiles noticed to. "Sissy calm down your having a panic attack" he said worriedly. Gasping for air my heart was racing all I could get out was I can't, but that was it. "you've got to try Belle" Stiles was starting to panic.

Stiles Point Of View

 I heard the front door open and close "Stiles, Belle? Where are you?" dad yelled through the house. I ran to the door "dad we are up here, Belle's having a panic attack!" I yelled down the stairs, I heard heavy boot run up the stairs and down the hall through Belle's bedroom door. She was still sobbing hard gasping for air. "Stiles what happened?" dad asked. "Well she said she thought she dreamed Derek coming home last night was real and was worried that he would never come home" I said, "What did you say, Stiles,?" dad asked "Well I told her that I haven't heard from him and that his place was the same as when he left" I told him, she was looking worse and I was starting to get scared  "Stiles if you would have checked your text instead of bothering your sister you would have known he was home, call him now he's the only one who can stop her panic attack" Dad yelled at me. "Wait, what?" I asked, "Son he did come home last night your sister didn't dream it, now get on that damn phone and call him!!" he yelled at me again then turned to Belle to try and help ease her panic attack, but it wasn't helping. I went into the other room and called Derek then quickly got back to my sister. "he's on his way" I said and dad nodded his head and picked up Belle and sat her on the bed.

Derek Point Of View

  Last night was amazing I thought to myself as I pulled out of the store parking lot form getting boxes to go to the loft and pack my things. Peter and Cora were with me, if it weren't for Cora I'd already be moved in with Belle and not look the way I do. "So Peter, Sheriff threw you in jail so you would give his daughter a break?" I asked with a cheeky grin. "Yep oh and by the way, thanks for telling her that I can't resist the call of an alpha" he sounded a little upset. I just laughed at him. 

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