Derek Hale and Old Memories

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 When I came to there was a scruffy face in mine so I backed up a little bit and studied his face for awhile and then he smiled the most beautiful smile I have ever seen and I seen it before, "Derek Hale?" I asked, "It is me, how are you Isabelle?" he asked. I grinned real big and jumped up off the ground and ran over and hugged him. I pulled back and stood in from of him. "I'm good, divorced, werewolf but I'm good, How about you?" I asked we were best friends in high school I wanted more, but I never pushed it even more so after the fire. "I'm good actually, I just got back into town this morning. Wait did you say divorced?" he asked I just nodded my head. "Come on let's go sit by the creek like we used to and catch up," I said. So we walked a little way until we came upon the creek and found the little bench that he made for us to sit on for when we came here. I remember that day all too well. It was the day I thought he was going to ask me to take our friendship to a more serious level.

It was late summer I had been sitting in this spot for some time waiting for Derek, he had to show me something and ask me something. I heard the rustle of the leaves and turned to look and saw Derek coming toward me carrying something and he had it covered. He made it over to me and sat down what he was carrying and uncovered it. I gasped it was a beautiful wooden bench. "Sit, my dad helped me make it so we have a place to come to and talk." Derek said smiling his beautiful smile at me my heart skipped a beat and he furrowed his brows "What's wrong?" I asked "Oh nothing I just thought I heard something is all," he said smiling again sitting next to me. "so what do you want to ask me?" I asked him. "Oh yeah, okay so you know how the homecoming dance is next weekend right?" he asked I nodded and he continued, "Well I thought about asking Paige to the dance and I was wondering if you think she would say yes?" when he finished I thought my heart broke into a million pieces. I quickly composed myself and said "Of course she will say yes your Derek Hale Duh!!" we both laughed and he said, "your the best friend ever" I smiled, "you know it," I said and looked down at the creek and watched a leaf float downstream.

I sat down on the bench as the memory faded from my mind. "So divorced? Tell me about it?" He asked, "Well its a long story cut uber short because I don't want to talk about it, but I caught him in bed with my so-called best friend on our five year wedding anniversary." I said and quickly wiped the tear that escaped Derek saw it though. "I'm sorry to hear that," he said and I briefly thought I heard his heart rate go up when he said that, but I'm not quite sure. "How about you?" I asked. He smiled and said, "It's actually really great, I just got back from exploring my new ability being able to transform at will." I smiled at him. "that's awesome, I guess it's pretty cool how we both come back to town the exact same day." I said, he nodded in return. "do you have any place to be?" I asked him, "No I don't, why?" He asked. "would you just sit here with me for awhile? I'm kinda mad at Stiles right now and I don't want to go home just yet." I explained,"Ahh, I see, do you want to talk about it?" He asked, "No not right now, but maybe later though." I said he nodded and sat back on the bench. I leaned against him and just took in the area that I haven't seen since high school. It was beautiful the trees were full green flowers blooming everywhere as we were right in the middle of spring. Seeing it like this reminded me of that day. The day I left Beacon Hills after graduation. The day I thought I would never lay eyes on Derek Hale ever again.

Derek had asked me to meet him at our spot so we could talk. So I made my way there only to hear him talking to Peter. "Derek are you sure about this?" Peter asked him, "How do you think Belle will feel about this?" Peter asked him another question before he answered the first question. "yes I'm sure and Belle will be more than happy." Derek said, More than happy? about what I thought. Neither knew of my arrival so I stayed and listened. "OK what about that girl your dating Kathy?" Peter asked. "She will be thrilled, I'm going to ask the girl that I'm in love with to marry me today on this very spot!!" Derek said, MARRIED?? I thought to myself, he is going to ask Kathy to marry him? They haven't been together that long let alone said the L word!!! I thought, My heart broke for the last time by Derek Hale, I crept away quietly and went home packed my bags and left for college and never came back.

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