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xii// stiles POV

It literally takes hours to explain this to Lydia. She keeps asking so many question that my mind can't answer them all.

I I had to explain it to her like five times, no joke. But at least I got to spend some time with her.

"Now do you get it?" I ask as calmly as possible while I was exploding inside.

She nods, but there is still confusion in her face.

"Good." I say as stand up and I begin walking to the door.

"Wait...." She says as she stands up and grabs my arm.

I turn around to face her. She just pulls me into a hug.

I had no idea what to do whatsoever so I just awkwardly hugged her back. That was the worst hug I've ever given in my life.

As she pulls away, I look at her in suprise. I did not expect that to happen.

"Why did you just do that..."

Really? I could've said something better than that! I get so nervous.

"Because," she smiles and takes a few steps back and throws herself on the bed.

As she sits up she lets out a breath.

"I just felt like it." She says with that beautiful smile on her beautiful face.

I just nod.

Nodding is good.

I continue walking towards the door and I open it.

As I walk outside and towards my jeep, she waves goodbye and I nod again.

Like I said,

Nodding is good.

I drive away with a smile on my face.


I was at school talking to Scott and he was ranting about how hard it was to be a werewolf while I pretend to listen.

Our typical conversation.

Me? I look around the halls to see if I can find Lydia, until I remembered about last night.

"Scott, guess what..." I said, interrupting.


"So I went to Lydia's house last night and..." But he interrupted me.

"Wait, you were at Lydia's house last night?"

"Yes, be quiet. And then I explained to her everything about the werewolf thing and stuff and then she..." And again, he interrupted me.

"Why would you tell her everything?" He asked.

There was silence between us until I got annoyed.

"Would you just let me finish?!" I yelled him.

I continued talking until I got to the best part.

"...and she hugged me!" I said with a huge smile.

"Lydia hugged you?" Scott asks.

"Yes, is it hard to believe?" I ask a little upset.

"Did she really hug you?" Allison asks as she walks up to me and Scott.

"Is it really that hard to believe?!" I ask and I begin to walk away.


The rest of the day went by slower than ever. Classes were boring, and all I could think about was last night. Every time I looked at her, I felt alive.

Like every time her eyes met mine I...

But then I heard my name get called out.

"Stilinski! Could you give us the answer to number 49 on page 96?" The teacher said as he walked towards my desk.

"Do you even have your book out?" He asked.

I shook my head. He nodded and walked back to his desk.

"Please take your book out, Stilinski." He said.

That's the last thing I paid attention to for the rest of the day. I kept falling asleep. My body was exhausted and I barely had the guts to move a single muscle.

The bell finally rang and I could go home.

Everything was fine until I got a text.

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