Investigate! (Part 3)

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"Now that lunch is over, shall we go see the bombing sight?" Mest suggested.

"Shouldn't we investigate the thug we already in custody, first?" Lucy questioned.

"He was the new guy, so he doesn't know too much. In fact, the bombing was his test to get in." Mest explained.

"Alright, let's go." Erza said.

"Yoichi Sanu, Toshiki Uchiyama, and of course, Mana Ishihara would you like to join us?" Mest asked.

"I would be honored to, but the doctor said that I need to get as much rest as possible." Yoichi Sanu rejected.

"I'd love to." Toshiki Uchiyama accepted.

"Well, of course." Mana Ishihara smirked.

Now in the vicinity, "I divided the city in seven sections, so I roam each one once a day, every week." Mana explained.

"What day was the explosion?" Ezra inquired.

"Third." she answered.

Walking a little further they arrived at the bombing sight, Karuir Ave. A moderately busy street with a few cafés.

"Oh man." Happy was devastated at the sight of the catastrophe.

"The bombs didn't kill no one but injured many. Most of the them were planted in trash cans, mail boxes, and tables. It's brought businesses to a halt, and caused thousands of Jewels in damage, Jewels we don't have to help them." Mest explicated with indignation in his voice.

The street and sidewalk was charred from the fire. Glass was shattered everywhere from windows and display windows from the cafés. It was devastating for them to watch as neighbors and guards help pick up and clean the debris.

"This is where the first bomb went off." Mest showed them the remnants of a mailbox.

"Think about the people who never got all those important messages." Leslie thought out loud.

"Like what exactly?" Gray questioned.

"Like the birth of a new family member, or the death of one. And maybe an exception or rejection letter from their new job." Leslie explained with great sympathy.

"That's pretty sad now that you mention it." Natsu sympathized.

"The second bomb came from this table. This is also the one that nearly killed Yoichi Sanu." Mest explained.

"Now, I'm guessing that the next one would've came from that trash can." Erza gave a gander.

"Correct. The alley next to it is where I beat that guy to a bloody pulp and saved Mr.Sanu." Mikita Shini confirmed.

The next bomb came from a trash can, another table, mailbox, inside a light pole, and lastly another trash can.

The next bomb came from a trash can, another table, mailbox, inside a light pole, and lastly another trash can

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