Plan & Attack! (Park 4)

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They had their plan and slept the night in the luxurious beds that the King graciously offered them. Now that they had a good night's rest, they went to meet with Mest in one of the dining rooms for breakfast.

Mest approved of the plan and called Mana to help. When Mana got there they explained the plan her, and journeyed over there.

About a mile away from the storage building, the gang gets ready to put the plan in action!

Lucy summons Virgo for the plan, "Yes, Princess?" Virgo responses.

"I need you to dig a hole following her." Lucy points to Mana, "When she stops walking that's when you help her takedown a pair of thugs, quietly though. Afterwards, I want you to come back through the hole and get us. Do NOT get caught." she instructed.

"Alright, get going." Erza sent them off.

Mana walked over to the front door when a guard stopped her shy.

"Stop right there!" one of the men with a sniper told her, "What's your business here?"

"I got some new stuff and I came to see if you guys wanted to buy."

"Hmm, rumor has it you've been working with them."

"I was, but I found out they were screwing me over so I left and changed my routine to throw them off." she tried straighting out.

"Alright, go on in." he let her pass.

She got up to the thugs at the door when Virgo took one from underneath! While the other was distracted Mana knocked him out by hitting the pressure point in the back of the neck with her elbow, a technique Mest taught her just before.

"I thought you were gonna pop out when I stopped walking?" she whispered to Virgo.

"Yes, those were my orders but you weren't at the doors." she whispered back.

"How did you know?"

"I heard the conversation."

"Oh." Mana thought she couldn't hear from down below.

"I'll be back with the others." Virgo descended back into the hole.

A few minutes later the guys came crawling out the hole one by one. Mest cuffed the two thugs and set them aside.

"Remember, as stealthy as possible. Gray, you freeze them solid. Virgo you're gonna take them down from underneath. Mest and Leslie are teleport us on the support beams above, then we're gonna drop down and knock them out." Erza quietly went over.

"Um, I think it'll be best if Mest teleports you guys because when I teleport people they get dizzy." Leslie whispered.

"But you teleported Mori just fine." Happy remembered.

"Yes, but it took quite a while to get used to at first." Mori explained.

"That's alright, I'll just have to come back to get the rest of you." Mest reassured he could do it.

"Mori, Happy, you're our overhead eyes. You'll be telling when it's okay to strike." Erza informed them again.

"How come I don't get to do anything?" Natsu pouted.

"You were put on the back burner in case our cover gets blown. If it does then you come in and break loose." Lucy assured him, he still pouted.

"Mana, we need you to stay here with Natsu and make sure he doesn't do anything." Erza requested her, and Natsu was offended.

"Sure." she accepted.

Leslie teleported Mori and herself on the beams. Virgo dug a hole and got underneath the thugs. Mest teleported Ezra and Lucy then came back for Happy and Gray.

Ten blocks of shipments below, in rows of two. Lucy and Erza decided to team up by using signals, making sure no one hears them.

They hop/teleport down, each taking on a shipment. Mest and Leslie hits them in the back of the head, Gray froze them instantly, while Virgo takes them by surprise. Then Lucy and Erza takes them down with a kick to the face and an iron fist to the gut. With Mori and Happy directing them, everything was going smoothly till they got to the last five. The problem was getting spotted by the thugs on the strip overseeing the shipments.

To counter-react this, Leslie and Mest take the thugs on the strip with a surprise attack from above! While Virgo takes another one, Lucy and Erza split up to take down two, and Gray does a double freeze!

"Now, it's time to take down the head honcho." Mest declared.

"I'll go get him." Erza insisted.

Erza goes down to the room and kicks the door down.

"AH, SHIT!" the man screamed.

"You're under arrest!" Erza proclaimed.

He grabs a bag and tries pushing pass Erza when she knees him in the stomach, bringing him down.

They went outside to tell Natsu and Mana their done.

"We're done, and everything went smoothly. I'm going get some guards to help take away these illegal shipments and these thugs into custody." Mest told them and Natsu pouted.

"Wait, what about the guys on the roof?" Mana asked.

"Natsu can take them." Erza responded.

"REALLY!?" Natsu was excited as a puppy over a ball.

"Have at it." Erza patted him on the shoulder.

"Woohoo!" he blasted to the roof.

"What the hell?" one the men saw him in the air above.

"Fire Dragon's Wing Attack!" he sent the thugs FLYING off the roof.

Natsu was happy, the illegal shipments were taken away, and the thugs into custody. After some nice lunch it was time to interrogate!

The guys were given a thug to interrogate a piece to help, Erza got the head honcho.

"Alright, this is how this is gonna go." Leslie was ready to get down to business.

"TELL ME EVERYTHING YOU KNOW, BASTARD!!!!" Mori attacked the thug, scratching his eyeballs out.

"Mori, stop it! This is not how you do it!" she pried him away.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" the girliest scream rang throughout the building.

They were all baffled at the sound that took a peak outside. Apparently, they weren't the only curious ones because others were looking outside too.

Then Erza walks out her interrogation room, "No need to interrogate the rest of them. I got everything we need to know." Erza explained.

Leslie and Mori look at each other almost horrified wondering what she did.

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