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-Everyone has logged on-

-Artistbean: Hyuk do you remember what happened yesterday???!!!

-Hyukie Maknae: Yeah...... Well no and Yes.

-The best leader: Are you telling the truth. Tell me what you can remember.

-Hyukie Maknae: I remember having lots of candy and hiding from you all but I don't remeber anything else.

-Emo Leo: Good enough but you came out because I said I was making food.

-Hyukie Maknae: I also came out because I was hungry.

-Emo Leo: Let's not start a fight.

-Emo Leo has logged off-

-Hyukie Maknae: What did I do wrong.

-Grandpa Ken: You did nothing wrong Leo's in a bad mood because I had to wake him up.

-Hyukie Maknae:What do I do now. I'm really confused.

-2swag4u: We do nothing.

-2swag4u has logged off-

-The best leader: Well that lasted.

-Artistbean: I'm off to the cinema with Hyuk. See ya later.

-Artistbean has logged off-

-Hyukie Maknae: Well I'm apparently off to the cinema with bean. Byeee

-Hyukie Maknae has logged off-

-The best leader: Ken?

-Grandpa Ken: Yeah.

-The best leader: Shall I teach you how to make something to eat without burning down the whole kitchen.

-Grandpa Ken: But I can't cook to save my life.

-The best leader: That's why I'll teach you how.

-The best leader and Grandpa Ken have logged off-

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